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family allowance

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by funkyrimpler, Oct 4, 2013.

  1. Brain transplants on the NHS, whatever next, free boob jobs and gastric bands? :biggrin: :wink:
  2. You need to read the rules...........


    This club shall be known as the Ducati Forum Riders MC. The officers of the club shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Sergeant-At-Arms. These officers preside over scheduled club meetings only and have no responsibility during road events.


    1. To preside at all meetings of the club.
    2. To have general supervision over the affairs of the club.
    3. To personally represent the club on proper occasions and business contacts. Antonye shal preside over meeting DUK
    4. To assist all other members of the club in their records, correspondence, and other duties.
    5. To vote only when necessary to break a tie.
    1. Shall be to perform the duties of the President in his absence.
    1. To keep a record of all meetings of the club.
    2. To send out notices of regular or special meetings.
    3. To handle all club correspondence.
    1. To collect all other money due the club.
    2. To keep records of all money transactions of the club.
    3. To keep a list of all active members.
    4. To give financial reports annually and when requested.
    1. Shall be to have general supervision at all club functions and to retrieve and reclaim outstanding club property.
    2. To enforce all rules and regulations of our club.
    1. Shall be to perform the duties of the Sergeant-at-arms in his absence and assist him in his presence.

    1. To lead the club in formation riding or parades.
    2. To enforce all rules of group riding.
    1. Shall be to maintain records regarding road run performances. Ducbird getting a little confused and ending up in the wrong county is excused
    2. Forward all road records to the appropriate IAM district representative. Bagdes will be presented
    All elected officers shall be filled at an annual election to be held in January of each year and all officers shall hold office for one year except the president which will be two years or until their successors are elected and qualified. The regular meetings of the club shall be held twice a month, but the President or executive board may call a special meeting at any time by advance notice. The bylaws may be amended or added to, providing the proposed amendment is submitted in writing at a regular club meeting. It shall then be voted upon at that meeting. A (2/3) majority of all active members in good standing is required to pass an amendment. Motions will be brought up and seconded at a meeting but not actually voted on until it has been documented in the newsletter. Once the newsletter is published and circulated, the motion will be voted upon at the next meeting. This is to allow members not present at the first meeting the chance to be informed of the issue and to be present at the vote. The officer may switch offices if he/she likes but cannot hold two or more offices at the same time.
    Shall govern the parliamentary proceedings of this club unless otherwise provided in these bylaws. The order of business shall be:

    1. Roll Call / Wealth Check
    2. Report of officers.
    3. Unfinished business.
    4. New business.
    5. The Activities Committee, together with the Road Captains, shall have general charge of all tours, runs, and club social functions, subject to such orders as the club may give. Though this can be vetoed by El Toro of Figaro. The loudest voice wins mi amigos.
    6. The membership dues will be two tax discs holders per year to be gifted at the first of each year starting Jan of 2013. Any member behind in his or her dues shall be considered not in good standing and shall not be entitled to vote at club meetings and shall be approached by one or more members of the Executive Board as to his/her membership. Funkyscrimpler does not have to pay as he does not watch his motorcycle and it does not have a final drive chain.
    7. All bills must be checked and approved by the Executive Board or Pete1950 before they are paid. All checks should be signed by the Treasurer. If transaction is done in cash, in ledger the transaction must show receipts. Any bills from Rizoma will not be paid as it is overpriced bling.
    8. Applications for membership must have an active member of the club in good standing sponsor them. Applicant must have a valid motorcycle license at time of voting in. Applicant must notify their sponsor or a board member when and if they cannot attend a meeting or event. Applicant have no time limit on prospecting you will be voted in when the board feels that you have met all the expectations and proved that you will be a valid asset to the club. Funds that are given to the MC for merchandise are non-refundable. Upon payment of prospect dues, applicant will receive a t-shirt and club sticker then placed on probation. As a prospect it's your duty to meet and greet all the members you are also required at minimal to attend six meetings, make two rides/events and be voted in by 100% of quorum. All other club merchandise will be up to the prospect to purchase. Conquest Carbon will soon be selling stuff on fleabay. They can supply everything else it seems very easily.
    9. Only active members in good standing shall be eligible to hold office in the club. Good standing means you pay all your tax and receive child benefit too. Recent BMW riders need not apply.
    10. Any member who is over three months behind in his dues may be expelled from the club by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those members in good standing present at any meeting and said members will return the club's patch via (Shirt, Vest or Jacket). Membership can be retained if you only sell tat on the message board.
    11. A member may be expelled for conduct unbecoming a member of the club, but charges must first be made in writing and the accused member given a hearing before the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall take evidence and report its findings to the club with the recommendation that the charges be considered proven and the accused member be expelled, or that the charges be considered not proven and the accused member remain a member of the club. The club shall thereupon take a vote to decide whether or not the recommendation of the Executive Board shall be adopted. It shall require a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the active members in good standing present to veto the recommendation of the Executive Board. Calling someone a C**T is ok (ish). Reference to their riding abilities and rear brake use is not.
    12. Members and prospects shall wear club BIG LOUD Vests if they ride a Multistradato all meetings and club functions. Monster owners can wear two piece leathers and trainers. ST2 and ST4 owners are allowed the use of a walking stick to aid mobility.
    13. Club vest logo shall be worn in such a fashion so that they will always be visible. Please position them so Tax disc is visible. A PDF of positions for Tax Disc is available
    14. There shall be no use of any drugs or riding while impaired on any club rides. Visually and mentally impaired riders must use a buddy rope to maintain communication with the rest of the ride out party
    15. An officer of the club shall supervise every committee. Supervision of Nog will be provided by Her Majesty's Prison Service
    16. If a member leaves the club for any reason, he/she must return the club patch to an officer. (Vest or Jacket). Lucozade can help with part-ex of all items. He normally has a few road rashed items available from his personal stock
    17. On all rides, members will abide by motor vehicle laws and have a valid motorcycle license if member is in the military they will also need to pose in front of rocks and things like that.
    18. All members will be 18 years or older unless you have parents that are current members. All members will wear a helmet. If member is in the military they will also need to wear pants, long sleeve shirt, and over the ankle boots,
    19. Explanation of Absentee Member:
    20. (a) A member who is unable to participate in club functions due to extenuating circumstances (i.e. relocation, deployment, or health). No voting rights. (b) An Absentee Member may continue receiving the newsletter. (c) An Absentee Member may return to Full Member status by paying the difference of the unpaid status.
    #102 Cranker V2, Oct 8, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2013
    • Like Like x 3
  3. Lol brilliant cranker
    Made one laugh :)

  4. Conquest Carbon will soon be selling stuff on fleabay. They can supply everything else it seems very easily.

    No we won't (sell on ebay)
  5. Outstanding effort :upyeah:
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