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Farage: Are the Scots Rascist?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by funkyrimpler, May 18, 2013.

  1. with that sort of nationlist fervour i half expected a zeig heil...how do you allude to english patriotism.
  2. fatslagaintbad?
  3. There's always the English Defence League or the BNP :rolleyes:
  4. which is the problem..our flag has been hijacked by the rascists/Tories/BA...bang out of order.

    Farrage makes me laugh coz he's a true blue tory and he's got the shit right up em hehe! they dont know wot to do about him coz he's one of their own.
  5. No they are not racist but a very small minority are anti English.

    The racism card is getting very boring.
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  6. Ah ..... but that small minority are very vocal and some seem to be well embedded in the media (hence the others given soap box time). Having lived (Lanark) and worked (Glasgow Tollcross) in Scotland for 4 years (early 90s), I have to say I was sadly surprised at the constant trickle of anti-English rhetoric on the TV and in general advertising (some of it very subtle). IF it was banter, it went too far to still be funny (IMO). As a propaganda exercise though, it's obviously worked, 'cos John West and his mates are getting their referendum.
    I often joke that on week one of my time in Scotland I learned 2 things...first, I'm English....and second, I'm not f'ing welcome :biggrin:

    That said, MOST ordinary people I crossed paths with up there were just the same (nice) as anywhere else in the UK.
  7. Yes, it is easier to blame someone else for your woes than take responsibility yourself.

    I like Scotland, having both lived and worked there for many years, and the vast majority of Scots are tolerant and likeable; pity about the rest, but in that respect it is no different to most other places.
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  8. I am confused.

    why are 7 out of the 8 English people I know who live in Scotland pro independence?

    the independence movement is not about nationalism or where you were born, its about democracy and where you live. English people, who,live in Scotland understand that very well indeed.

    #28 749er, May 19, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
  9. I live in Surrey and want independence from other lesser counties like Hampshire.they have stolen all the seaside from us and that's just not on.
    Vote independent Surrey....:)
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  10. I don't think there's much occupation going on these days, indeed the Scots pretty much organised an ran Scotland themselves after Edward, they even managed to get a Stuart on the throne so that the first union took place.

    You seem to be confused between Britain, England and the United Kingdom, so perhaps a little reading is in order. Britain can't withdraw it's aircraft as Scotland is part of Britain.

    So you actually get your history from films, that explains quite a lot in your post.

    There you go again, Scotland is an integral part of Britain, I know it's a difficult concept for you to grasp, but you really should research your subject.

    You clearly don't know much about the Irish either. Have a read on the origin of most of the 'great Britons' through history and see how many originate in Wales, Ireland and Scotland, quite a number and I'm not including film stars! ;-)

    Scottish law is quite different, again I think you should read up on the legal system, their laws are not made in London.

    Very few truly 'hate' the English, I was educated in Scotland supporting England at sports and apart from the usual teasing there wasn't a problem. If I go to watch the Calcutta cup I usually support the team in blue, just because they are the underdog. :)
    #30 Royum, May 19, 2013
    Last edited: May 19, 2013
  11. A petition for Scotland to be granted independence has attracted 3.5 million signatures.

    And that's just from England.
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  12. Do you have a link to that?

    I read through the PDF about UKIP policies and I don't believe 25% of the English population or anything like it hold those views. Those views are appalling and not consistent with what i know of English people. So it's a protest vote at most.

    Some people beleive that the Englsih media give UKIP too easy a ride, whereas in Scotland they expose them for what they are. Farrage even hung up on BBC Radio Scotland.

    on a lighter note


    one question which I have never heard an answer to is, if the Tories one get one MP from Scotland and would be assured perceptual government in the rest of the UK if Scotland became independent, and they oppose the break up of the UK, what is in it for them? Especially if Scotland is the subsidy junkie that UKIP says it is.

    what is the answer?

    maybe its because Scotland more than pays for itself? That's what the GVT figures say.
    maybe The Establishment doesn't want to park Trident in Dartford, which is the same distance from London as Faslane is from Glasgow?

    anyone know the answer?

    I don't.
    #32 749er, May 19, 2013
    Last edited: May 19, 2013
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  13. Thanks so much for that. That Farage is a twat seemed to me blindingly obvious. That he is capable of such utter fuckwittedness defies belief. To think that he represents Britain in any shape or form is cringe-making. It's a bit like Sepp Blatter. When I think that some people see him as a representative of my adopted country - makes me want to crawl into a hole and hide.

    In this clip, Farage behaves like a schoolboy. I suppose it is a strategy of a sort - be so totally odious that the entire EU hates the UK and is only too keen to see it leave. I always thought that politics was the art of creating alliances and compromise to achieve what you want. The only people who don't work this way are people like Hitler and Stalin who, having achieved absolute power, felt fine about shitting on their opponents.

    Whether what Farage says is true or not (and it may be), ad hominem invective, particularly to the Parliament's president, is the very lowest form of "debate". The man is an embarrassment.

    Anyway, I'm glad I now have the knowledge to loathe him with impunity. And to think that so many people voted for his ship of fools.
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  14. blah blah blah... we can't always be right like you. So you're still sore then?
    #34 Sev, May 19, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2013
  15. that twat alex salmond is trying to do what the ira after murdering thousands failed to do, breaking the union. personally I think he should be hung drawn and quartered ( or just lightly spanked on the bottom )
  16. A tactical vote for UKIP might be the canny thing to do in my constituency to get rid of my local MP, Ken Clark. He always wins with a landslide, but at the local by elections Farage and his gang took the wind out of his sails..If enough people in my borough voted UKIP then at least we'd stand half a chance of getting someone sensible in, like Screaming Lord Such.
  17. I will love to see scotland fund free care homes. free university places. free dental care as well as everything else they (smp's) vote to make things free when they are independent...

    I guess a small population can fund all of that hey..

    and you can f*ck off regarding the north sea oil. thats all ours. we found that lol ;)
    #37 Phill, May 19, 2013
    Last edited: May 20, 2013
  18. And..........even more will vote for him..............just to stick it up the ar**s of the c**ts that have been running the UK for the last forty years.

  19. But he's a fully paid up member of the the c**ts' brigade so what's that going to prove?

    People complain about Etonians running the country and then as a protest vote cast their ballots for en ex public schoolboy named Nigel. You couldn't make it up.
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