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Farage: Are the Scots Rascist?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by funkyrimpler, May 18, 2013.

  1. I'd like to see where I have. Not even tongue in cheek. Interesting you align colour with race.
  2. Votes for children might just swing it.

    Salmond is a master of the long game.
  3. Blair set up the National Assemblies as a means to defuse the independence question, unfortunately all it did was provide a stepping stone on the road to independence.
  4. Ha! Joke! (though you couldn't have known it). I lived in Liverpool for 2 years, and worked in Mathew St, about 50 yards from the Cavern. And no, I don't recall having to use any of my languages to direct foreign tourists to the museum. In fact, in the mid 80s at any rate, you never met a foreign tourist in Liverpool.

    The 25 years amongst foreigners is due to living in Switzerland amongst them. Some of that time I have actually taught English and tried to promote English culture. I have often tried to big up England and all the fab places you could go. No one I spoke to had ever heard of the Lake District. I used to advise them to spend the Ascension Day holiday there, as I used to do. It's quiet then as the Brits aren't on holiday. Geneva to Manchester, Easyjet, hire a care and you're there in a couple of hours.

    To be quite clear, I was simply saying that people outside Britain are woefully ignorant of what England has to offer as a holiday destination. They are all clued up on language schools, London and Scotland, but England rarely figures in their plans. I'm not suggesting that this a great state of affairs, but in my estimation it is how it is. You'll also find that Oxford is a lot more popular and top of mind than Cambridge, if you want to visit the university towns. Odd, as Cambridge is a lot nicer and more beautiful.

    I never heard anyone saying that they are going on holiday to Wales either. Scotland has definitely won the PR war.
  5. Why do the English care so much that Scotland remains part of the UK? I don't really understand it. What would it matter if they were independent? You could still go there easily enough. I just can't see what real difference it makes on a day to day basis for the average person living in England.

    Now, it might be financially advantageous for the UK if Scotland remains a part of it, but that isn't the line that has been peddled so far.
  6. Where did you get the idea that the English care about Scotland remaining in the UK? I believe that most of us think that our northern brothers and sisters have every right to decide to go it alone if they so desire.Perhaps you give the BBC and the chattering classes too much credence.
  7. By the way Glid don't encourage any more people to visit our fabulous Lake District too many visitors already!
  8. I can imagine Swiss tourists in the Lake District ...

    "Aw, such cute bumps" :wink:
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  9. In Scotland, 16 year olds can get married without parental consent, and they can certainly join the army. I think that makes them entitled to vote as adults!
  10. Loz, we don't all aspire to climb Mount Everest.The scale of the landscape is perfect for many people.
  11. Perfect for me too, ariel. I love the Lake District - the scenery, the roads, the local people I've met - and it is a beautiful place. I've had some magical times there.
  12. But not serve in the front line, therefore they are a special case and are not fully adult.
  13. Don't mention the Lake District, keep it secret.
  14. So I want the UK to remain united and independent of the EU and you want the UK to be split up and be part of the EU.

  15. yeah I do believe it will be a no vote, been a lot of polls up here and none of them have been close to a yes vote. Also dont know anyone around where I live that will vote for independence
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  16. So the English media are spinning up things to suggest that Scotland wants to vote "Yes" - to try and get folks scared and prepared to vote "No" ... and the Scottish media are spinning things up to suggest that Scotland wants to vote "No" - to try and get folks scared and prepared to vote "Yes".

    Why am I not surprised by the actions of the media?
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  17. For those who favour Scotland becoming independent from England: Would you favour Shetland being able to choose to become independent from Scotland? If not, why not?
  18. 749er

    well youve said it your self thank you..
    just as well ive done nothing wrong my old dough nut lol hey lol.
  19. I don't want anything for the Scots apart from the ability to decide for themselves what they want. Part of the UK or not, so long as they are happy with their decision, that's all I require.

    As regards the UK in Europe, yes, I think it is a better thing. But I no longer have a vote in the UK, so my opinion won't count one way or the other.
  20. If there was sufficent demand for a referendum on the issue, of course! But I think you know you're throwing up a red herring there Pete! ;)

    Minor point, Scotland will be leaving the United Kingdom, not England...
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