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Discussion in 'Lounge' started by nuttynick, Oct 25, 2013.

  1. W
    Sometimes I am a bit dog with a bone, and apologies of it comes over like that, but could it be that an authority is using its data incorrectly to accuse you of something and you are now being made to pay the consequence?! :)
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  2. Yay! Just got a letter with a request for £100 for my 848 that I traded in back in August.....
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  3. If it went to a dealer, get hold of them ASAP and find out why they've not sorted your paperwork out!
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  4. First thing tomorrow morning I will be, although I'm pretty certain it was sent away :rolleyes:

    I guess this is kinda my own fault as well as I have been so busy over the last 6 months I had completely forgotten about any confirmation from them.
  5. Been waiting since November for V5 for a van I've sold.
    Told us three times it was in the system.
    Now telling us they have no record of receiving the old one and we should apply for a replacement.
    DVLA are without doubt the most inefficient and self-serving bunch of incompetents I have to deal with.
    They expect you to do their job for them.
    To check that they've done their job.
    And they deny the computer has been invented.
    Absolute wankers
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  6. I am bloody SEETHING.
    I'm still waiting for a V5 applied for in early November.
    Despite further,numerous telephone calls,the second application, and repeated assurances.
    Last thing we were told was,"It was scheduled for printing on the 26th January".
    It is now the 30th,and still nothing.
    Today,I will be contacting them to see if they have a complaints process,
    And I will be once again informing them that I'm going to kick up a fuss with my MP,regarding their terrible attitude towards their,"customers",(us).
    It's not possible to find a better example of how the so-called Public Sector manipulate their responsibilities to suit themselves,not the long-suffering public.
    It is time this bunch of self-serving incompetents* was given the spanish archer.

    *one of my all-time favourite descriptions,apologies if you feel it's being over-use,
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  7. 8/10, not bad :upyeah:
  8. My initial thoughts.
  9. I sent 5 V5's off in one envelope just for a change of address after moving, DVLA managed to loose 3 of them but return 2 showing the new address. Took two months to get it sorted, Their letter head proudly boasts an Investors in people badge, unfortunately they invest in Welshist's.
  10. Sadly this petition is incoherent waffle, like so many others. Whoever drafted it doesn't seem to be familiar with English, let alone with logic.
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  11. Well, here's your chance to star,Pete!
    Let's see how it should be written,and I'll gladly start a petition using your interpretation of what the guy is trying to say.
    Even if you don't agree with what he's after,those of us without your grasp of the language would be grateful for your input.
    (that's not a piss-take btw)
    So how about it,old buddy?
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  12. I am not entirely sure what the guy is trying to say, but I have had a go at interpreting it. Try this:
    "The Department for Transport should oblige the DVLA to meet improved levels of customer service, including legally enforceable minimum standards.

    (A) The DVLA should be required to provide advice to users by phone, by post, or electronically promptly, politely, and free of charge about any issues of difficulty concerning driver and vehicle licensing.

    (B) Users should be able to make complaints about errors, delays and maladministration by the DVLA, using a well-publicised and readily accessible complaints route.

    (C) The DVLA should be set maximum time limits for carrying out administrative processes, including issuing V5C documents, and should have to apologise to users and refund fees if the time limits are exceeded.

    (D) Where a financial penalty has been imposed on a user as a result of delays or errors of DVLA, the penalty should be cancelled, and any disputes about penalties should be determined by a judicial authority wholly independent of DVLA."
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  13. Don't pay they will back down send them a solicitors letter rather give him £80 than those idiots
  14. The DVLA strike again! Although this time assisted by Royal Mail.

    I've had a tax reminder / threat of fine letter for a vehicle I sold at the end of June. Tax expired 30/06. V5 returned to the DVLA on 01/07 via recorded second class. I posted 2 documents in 2 separate envelopes both via recorded second class. The first arrived at the DVLA on 03/07. The second still claims to be in the system being processed.
    It's like they decided to process one piece of mail and throw the other under a cupboard?!

    I called Royal Mail and tried to ascertain the whereabouts of the mail, to be told that [despite claiming on the receipt that 2nd class post is delivered within 3 days] that it takes up to 15 working days to deliver second class post.

    Two envelopes, on the same day, at the same post office, presumably placed in to the same post bag. One delivers in 3 days, the other disappears in to the ether.

    DVLA say proof of postage isn't proof of delivery and the fault lays with me. Royal Mail say call us back in another 5 days on our premium rate phone number and deal with our robot telephone voice again and then we'll look in to it.

    I have this happen so often that I've started using recorded mail and keeping proof of delivery only to be told that the proof of delivery counts for nothing!

    Before you say I shouldn't have used 2nd class mail, you're right but Doris did the mail run that day and wanted it to be cheaper.

  15. A company I own collecting debts for the DVLA would like to thank you for this thread.
  16. I love "debt collectors"...the ones that start demanding money before a court order exists. They make a fantastic squeal as you push the drill bit through the side of their kneecaps :Woot:
  17. just a note people, Royal mail recorded is not worth the paper its printed on. It only records a signature on delivery, not track the journey or whereabouts of said item.

    If you want proof it got there it has to be special delivery which is tracked and location aware 100% of the way. I found this out the hard way after losing two parcels to royal fail signed for.

    Perhaps now its privatised we should petition the removal of the royal part from the name.

    As for DCA's well... they can all stop wasting oxygen and good skins. bottom feeding filth that they are. Hope they all go to hell and get their bum holes and fingered by jimmy saville's nob.
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