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Feeling Christmassy yet?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Dec 12, 2013.

  1. Pedant. Or did i surrepticiously mean peasant...:tongue:
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  2. No one asked for world peace! Like to see them wrap that one up :biggrin:
  3. World peace? There isnt even peace on this forum.
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  4. Who asked you twatty bollox? :mad:
  5. My bollox are not twatty. Underused perhaps but definitely not twatty.
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  6. i'v only ever playd doom, even then its only when iv got the old steam genny going.
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  7. I loved doom. Used to scare the fuck outta me at 2am. The noises...
  8. I read it as WetJet Christmas Miracle , was expecting babes, bubbles and bikes

    ps - did they all cheer when he landed safely
  9. daft i know but when i finished it on one console i would go out and buy a different one and play it on that. and yes the noises.
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  10. Shat myself with Doom years ago... Castle Wolfenstein wasn't much better.... Great games!
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