Films You’ve Not Liked

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by DucatiScud, Oct 31, 2020.

  1. Eraserhead, need about 50 mushrooms to get it.
    • Like Like x 1
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  2. yeah, I didn’t get it either
  3. I watched Tyrannosaur
    As a follow up to Jurassic Park it was shite
  4. Matrix
    Starwars/trek all of it
  5. ADAM SANDLER! - Cunt. Who, on God's Green Earth, keeps giving this Twat money to pollute the airwaves? It just makes nae sense. I've had rectal exams that are more amusing than one of his so called "comedies". I had a MASSIVE camera inserted into the eye of my tadger and it gave me more laughs than one of his films. A scrotal fungal infection gives greater amusement and that's just from the Olympic level itching; bereavement provides more jollity.
    • Funny Funny x 4
  6. Blimey you’ve had a bad year!
    • Funny Funny x 2
  7. You know I’m not very perceptive but it appears bonkers isn’t much of a fan of Adam, just saying.
  8. Whoa there buddy
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. Or Lord of the rings
    Or Harry plopper
    • Agree Agree x 2
  10. I’ll give you Barry Otter but not Frodo and his crew they’re mint.:)
    • Funny Funny x 2
  11. I've absolutely fuc###g zero imagination I ruin all sci-fi for my poor wife :scream: she won't go the cinema with me anymore she takes my son they love that yoda stuff!
  12. Mandalorian time on Disney plus Season 2

  13. Oh sweet jebus I've actually got a little bit of sick in my mouth :tired_face:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. All the Jimmy Bond films..
  15. The House That Jack Built (And most anything else that Lars Dickhead has made.)
  16. That was one of those films that critics gushed over, probably because it was partly about critics and so it played to their vanity. Unfortunately this meant it was packed with wanky in jokes that nobody apart from film industry insiders would understand and so I found it very irritating. I also find Michael Keaton’s face, in particular the way he moves his mouth when he speaks very annoying
  17. I hated the way it was filled with moments of obvious improvisation that the aahhcctoorrs would have felt showed real insight into their character.
    Look, see Michael Keaton fnd a joint and show how he would smoke it. Look, see how the two women spontaneously make out to show their independence. Look, see the daughter sitting on the roof ledge being shouted at from the ground and responding "Bite me". Look, see how it appears to be one contuinuous take as if it were reality. Look, see how the play within the film reflects their situation in reality.
    I have seldom hated a film more, even The Holiday had more to recommend it.
  18. Toys - the Robin Williams film.
    Utter garbage. I saw it for free and still felt like I'd been ripped off...
  19. Yep, fast and furious did it for me. A complete load of drivel.
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