I knew David through DD and various meets and I have recommended him trustworthy on this forum. He was a nice friendly man and you would have no idea that he hid this secret. I am totally gobsmacked today and I still can't get my head round it. Once ok.... But twice!!! I just can't believe it
both of you are right. I agree with you and he is getting all the law thinks he deserves. Personally, when I heard that he'd got four years, I thought he'd got off lightly, particularly as it was a second offence. I agree that he deserves no sympathy and that he should be properly punished. We only differ in that I will go and visit him in jail and talk to him. If he doesn't recognise that he's done wrong, I will drop him like a hot potato. If he does, I'll support him as much as I can. He's done wrong, he's been an idiot for falling for something so repulsive and vile, but the law is working - it's punishing him. There was a thread here not so long ago on the morals of the teacher who took the fifteen year-old to France. My view was (and still is) that the law is there to protect vulnerable teens: children mature at different rates and some are capable of having and successfully raising children. Others (and mine fall into this bracket) would run a mile at the thought of a snog behind the bike sheds. It's the latter that the law protects. There has to be a line and that line is set at sixteen. David has broken the law and is in jail as a result.
I dont follow that Andy ,why should it be removed ,you havent called for the Saville thread to be removed, is it because it's to close to home that it's uncomfortable. Sorry but if a forum member is dabbling in such stuff I wont be thinking twice about his or any other members feelings , they should be outed and friken well castrate em at the same time.
There are several people that it has already become a little uncomfortable for because it is a little too close to home.......im not one, i never met or spoke to the chap.
OK chaps, the news is pretty shocking, but a discussion it will remain. I know its an extremely sensitive subject, let's keep it civil and the thread will stay.
To paraphrase Mr Wilde...To get caught once is misfortune. To get caught twice...well, clearly one hasn't learned one's lesson. Regardless of the "baiting" tactics at hand, he took the bait where better men did not yield. Third time lucky?
People aren't black and white. They are shades of grey (er...that wasn't originally intended to be a joke...). As for people's sexuality, that's about the most complicated thing of all. And sure, he's been convicted and punished. What are some people trying to say, that a crime of this nature (trying to have sex with provocative 15 year olds) is totally unforgivable? It's not the same as abducting 13 year olds. Hopefully he'll do the time and get his head sorted out. And then we can focus on his good points. Fucking idiot, though.
It's uncomfortable yes very Doesn't change my view as per teachers thread either What it does do is make it personal and prevokes all sorts of feelings
Thanks for posting this update. It was a total surprise to me as he was a jolly person and very helpful to so many folks off Ducatisti, I would never have thought this of him. So I sincerely hope he gets help now he is in prison and not just a punishment. Suze
I'm going to stick my neck out.. I pulled my bike out from his workshop as he made me very uncomfy .. And another reason . He never laid a finger on me .. But I am very sensitive and I actually asked for someone to come with me to get my bike .., I had to go on my own. I actually was panicking. I have never felt so uncomfortable in my life around someone sorry .. Not to mention other things and having to sort out the damage to my stuff. I did sort of flag this up with someone but felt maybe it was just me .. And that if I said something I would be hung drawn and quarterd. M
Mel it's ok I would guess in your line of work that you would have these instincts that most of us wouldn't. I never experienced being uncomfortable around David as I have said I found him trustworthy for want of a word. I can't explain how I feel right now about him disgusted is one
Don't see why you would offend anyone He11cat, you're just saying how you felt. I met Nog many times, and whilst I knew he liked girls (he was a race mechanic in BSB, so lots of grid girls & brolly dollies to ogle), I had no idea he liked them that young. I am still in shock TBH.
No need to apologise for something you felt. It's very difficult to criticise someone so popular on a forum, especially with something like that. It seems your female intuition didn't let you down. They often say if something doesn't feel right then it won't be. It's our sixth sense giving us a nudge!
I don't really know what to say! So i will type what i feel! I met David a few years ago at my first ever DD race meeting at cadwell in 2007. a smashing bloke and became a very good friend We raced together in 2008 then ghost came along and joined in the fun. We got pissed, had partys in the paddock, David would go the extra mile to help anyone. We spent trackdays testing etc and most of all had a good laugh and loads of banter etc. I really didn't have a clue and to me is totally mind blowing. Steve 67 class B