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Final Nog Update!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by ducmadman, Nov 21, 2012.

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  1. I'm really sorry one time is horrendous but to then go do it again!
    I thought I knew it all and was the big I am at 15 ...
    At 17 I was attacked and beaten at knifepoint by someone I knew 4 years my senior .. Someone I'd known daily for over a year.
    Unprovoked.. Lets just say they it turned out had a drink problem.
    I escaped to a police station where I went into shock.
    I can tell you now at 17 I was terrified and realised I was still a kid trying to be an adult!!!
    At 15 I'd probably not have coped so well.
    I recovered but it took years and I'm still wary.

    I also was a girl guide.
    Our leaders husband was always there to help , coming to camps, ran a local disco for kids .
    Everyone thought what a nice bloke .
    He gave me the creeps .
    One day my mum said I don't know there's just something about him..
    He made sure he was surrounded by young girls .
    Being helpful .. Oh was also a dad.

    All the while he was hanging round with us helping he was abusing young boys .
    Taking them swimming or abusing young boys in swimming pools and those who helped him pack away his disco.
    He surrounded him self with young girls and in a trustworthy position so people did not suss he was into young boys.

    He destroyed those boys life's.
    One was about 8 at the time.

    These people often pose as youngsters on line as I am sure you are aware.
    They lull them into a false sense of security ..

    Yes the world today is very sexualised way too young !!!
    It doesn't help that you have these morons dressing 5 years up in makeup and high heels.. Beauty pageants !!
    It disgusts me !!!

    But any man or woman wired up correctly and well 99% of men would know hang on this is wrong !!!!!

    Be it 5 or 15 the age of consent is there for a reason.
    Physically someone may look mature but mentally ????

    Also there are lots of girls out there who try and grow up fast or have a low iq or special needs that are not so out in your face .
    They look normal but dig deeper something is not quite right.
    Or low self esteem..

    Any man woman in there own right would realise this and keep away or flag it up.

    I'm sorry preditors look for this or a weakness work on it and get in via this chink in their armour .
    It's is premeditated , planned and well thought out.
    Not a spur if the moment blunder!
    I'm sorry but I have seen this so many times .. This is to do with my work.

    Any normal chap on realising some girl who looked 20 was 15 would back away like a shot and raise alarm bells maybe.

    If you knowing carry on trying to encourage and lure them in then there is something very very wrong with you.

    I never wanted kids mainly due to its not a nice world out there !
    But later in life found out I was pregnant .I am terrified I would meet someone like this ...

    Can I also say this .
    The man concerned had a girlfriend or so I was told!!!!
    He also had children's car seats in his car .. I don't know what age those kids where ... Young obviously .
    But my god ... I feel really sick to the stomach.
    I'm sorry to be blunt.
    Yes I do have funny spidey senses .

    I actually got in quite a state on taking my stuff back .. But I did not show this until I'd got down the road.
    I pulled over my car as was ill.
    No he did not harm me and I'm sure a big old middle age Bertha like me is not his type! However I did mention to some people who I'm sure would back me up if needed that I had massive alarm bells going off...
    Basically what was just getting a pair if exhaust brackets to fit hi levels because my normal chap who I should have listened to!!! Couldn't fit them as they where.
    Nog said he could get them to fit..
    I came away very stressed very upset with broken parts , missing stuff.
    Also when I asked how much the work was going to cost I could not get a price out if him.
    I got dont worry ask such and such how she paid...,
    This triggered massive alarm bells .
    I was paying for my brackets with cash.
    I stuck to my guns.
    Lets just say the bill was crazy high because I stuck fast and insisted I was paying with money.
    He did not spell it out .. He did not need too . I was not mistaken.
    I'm scatty but not stupid!

    I just feel sick now and I am still also paying off money for replacement bits and a mental bill..

    I never flagged it up as he seemed so popular !! What a great guy ..
    Yes unless your a woman ..
    Today I feel sick and angry.
    Oh a new back tyre , foothanger, dented termis , a set of wheels and a bill for £700 in all..
    Stupid yes but I was that spooked I paid it got left in debt to get my bike out and my parts back well what was not broken or missing.
    And to get away..
    That's how concerned I was !!!
    I will now only ever use another mechanic who I'd trust with my life in East Anglia.. Who's decent and honest and Harleston based.
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  2. I swear and I know now after seeing those last comments .. I did not have a grudge .. Blame me if you like but it was not me ..
    I'm just trying to say listen to me please !!!!!!!!
    I'm not a liar and I went through a horrible time.. I kept calm and got my bike back ..
    The first I heard of this was the first post.
    I assumed he'd had a breakdown.
    I never flagged up I was upset way back because his mum had died and I put it down to that .. I'm not a heartless bitch.
    That's why I chalked it up to experience .
  3. Calm down Mel, I don't think anyone thinks you baited him. As was said earlier on, just going on certain websites can trigger this kind of action. My brother used to be in the computer crimes section at Scotland Yard when they were just in the infancy of setting up these kinds of operations, and they certainly do monitor the perv websites & take action when they can. They may or may not have received a tip off, but more than likely he got himself into this situation all by himself.

    You listened to your spider sense & now you have been proved right, no one is going to hate you for that. you came out of it scared & lighter in the pocket, but at least you did the right thing.
    #123 Rob998, Nov 22, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2012
  4. He11Cat I think that was an immensely brave and courageous thing you just did.
  5. Thank you at least hopefully it won't happen again.
    Childhood is short and precious please please any parents look after your little ones.
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  6. +1 , I.e. don't think anybody sees you as th OP with a grudge. Glad you got away ok ish, if a lot lighter in the pocket.

    Don't let 1 paedo tar all blokes with the same brush, just trust your spider senses, or you will end up fckd up and transferring that fckd up ness to your kids.
  7. Absolutely - the vast majority of men are normal, moral, decent people who are repulsed by this type of crime.
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  8. Hi all,

    This thread is going to be locked at 10pm tonight.

    Cheers for your understanding.

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  9. I think you are wise overall Rob and thanks for letting it run this long - the traffic could easily get out of hand if left.
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  10. This thread is totally bewildering !!! :frown:
  11. Thats fair enough, pretty much everything has been said, and everyones views aired.
  12. Thank you Rob.
    I wholeheartedly was not the person who flagged this up.
    I was not hurt or mistreated.
    I was just voicing how I felt.
    I don't even hold grudges.

    I wholeheartedly understand if anyone is angry at me for saying what I felt.
    I'm just being me .. I'm too open and honest in life.

    I was as shocked as the next person to read article.

    I'm big enough and ugly enough to look after myself.
    I did that with minimum fuss at the time .

    If I was a nasty vindictive person I'd have flagged it up when it happened.
    Or ranted when he first vanished.
    I didn't as thought maybe was a blip in life..grief can make you do funny things as well.

    That's all I am going to say on this thread.
    I hope I have not upset or angered anyone... If so I am sorry.
    But felt I needed to say how I felt.
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  13. As the parent of a teenage daughter who was once approached by a grooming scumbag I can tell you that this story re-opens that awful sick to the depths of my stomach feeling all over again . The anger and disgust assosciated with the days that followed are almost beyond words so to all who say "Oh the teenager lured them in , it's the parents fault" I can tell you the teenager is the victim . It's the adult predator who sees a weakness in the child and hopes to exploit it . We were lucky that our daughter wasn't so vulnerable and told the f-cker where to go , and that she actually came home and told us . There are plenty of youngsters who would have clammed up .

    You can say what you want about it not being Nogs fault by being lured , it's the way he's wired , that he has an illness or whatever but the fact is that when it's your second offence it's not a temporary moment of madness or a drunken mistake , it's what he finds sexually attractive and it's wrong .Socially , morally and legally wrong . Just because some of you kind of know or have dealt with him at his business or at race meets doesn't mitigate anything , he has done wrong , he has harmed children and he deserves to be locked up for doing that .

    Reading the papers report on his conviction he had already done 4 year for his first offence so he hasn't learned anything or been cured in prison , he was obviously intent on re-offending when he was arrested and if he was targetted by the Police then they were right to do so . Sicko scumbag . I have no sympathy for him at all .
    #134 pipsqueak, Nov 22, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2012
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  14. Blimey....
  15. Think Luca might have been onto something all the way back in May when asking him why he had two Facebook profiles.
  16. I've been reading this thread all night and most of the day.

    I have nothing new on Davids situation and I feel that everything that needs to be said has been covered properly here. I will have something to say for myself later, when I've worked out what it is, but I would just like to say to Mel that she should feel no embarrassment or shame if David has made her feel uncomfortable or has done anything that may be inappropriate.

    I can see how someone with your experiences can correctly identify problems where others might not be as receptive. It's a tough call on what to do in those circumstances - should you highlight your concerns, and if so, to whom? To the Police? On a public forum? To Davids friends? Who would they be? It's a tough situation for anyone - male, female, young or old - to be in and you have every sympathy from me and I'm sure from everyone on this forum. You were right to post what you have. It must have taken a lot of courage. Please PM me if there's anything I can do to make this right.
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  17. Or why he uses Andrew instead of David in certain circumstances....
  18. I don't think that is appropriate even in these circumstances.....

  19. It was funny in the Jimmy Savile thread.
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