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998 Finally Got To Ride Her...

Discussion in '748 / 916 / 996 / 998' started by bettes, Sep 17, 2015.

  1. A bit more TLC this evening (last night). Stripped the bike down ready for tobytyke to work his magic. And while at it, gave the pipes a quick once over and the termi end caps as well.
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    The connector for the R/R has burned away just as it did on the 848. Nowt that can't be sorted.

    Looking good so far.
  2. That' your RR plug? You can replace the plug or you can buy a brand new RR off ebay for $30 AUD which is less than 10 quid, I know what I did.

  3. If I replace the RR unit it would be for a more modern one. Like the triumph. (Been through all this before with the 848)
  4. Seems much safer don't it. Also bigger foot print is more reassuring on hot summer tarmac.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. So happy when I swapped the side stand on my 998
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  6. Bettes
    How did you do the head light, was it with nail varnish remover as i have read that in another thread.
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  7. Hi mate. Just normal solvent I use for my work. I could give you some if you were close. Or rubbing alcohol I'm sure would do.
    #67 bettes, Oct 2, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2015
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  8. @Roadtrip, how far are you from Southend?
  9. About 25 mins, up the A127
  10. Ok. I'll be somewhere in Southend at 11 am ish tomorrow. If you fancy popping down to where I'll be working, I can sort you out with some solvent and cleaning brushes.
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  11. Thanks for the offer Bettes,:upyeah:
    I've got a few solvent's in the shed that i can try and plenty of brush's (Decorator since school) the lights are on the list of jobs to do
    (7 hours so far de-stickering and cleaning fairing)

    Yours looks very smart, its a great shape the 916 etc

    Your a few hours from home you there for the day or weekend, if you get time take a walk along the seafront and see the worlds longest pier :Snaphappy: don't forget some fish,chips :Hungry:
    • Like Like x 1
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  12. Haha, will do. Long day tomorrow that! :)
  13. Had a quick go at the swing arm pivot this aft. Undid the nut on the R/H side about 5 turns then tapped the socket with a hammer. Just wanted to check to see how bad it was going to be before getting a drift sorted. Well, the shaft moved quite easily so undid the bolt a bit more and tapped it out some more. The shaft moved out about 8 to 10 mm in total. Does this mean the shaft should come out easy now (which I think it should) or does the fun & games start later? I'm thinking that if the bushes had seized themselves to the shaft, i wouldn't have been able to move it at all. Didn't have time to investigate any further but plan to get it sorted next week.
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  14. Sound free to me :)
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  15. Just finished doing a bit more cleaning. Polished the heat shield, heel plates and DP open clutch cover. Quite please with how they look on the bike so I'll do the rear sets and pegs and over winter, the full exhaust.
    The new clutch cover touches the fairing. Don't know if if should or matters...
    Also, been quoted £250 ish for the mono seat unit painting. Top painter and local! Just wondering weather it seems a bit steep?
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  16. My mate is just lining my MV tank and repainting for £350 - if it's 2 colour (with number boards and decals / pin striping) it doesn't seem too bad a price. You can always get cheaper but colour match and finish and peace of mind is worth a little premium if you know his work.
    Was going to get a quote off him for my Carbon Mono 998 seat unit soon :)
    • Like Like x 1
  17. Let me know how you get on, stu.
    #77 bettes, Oct 19, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2015
  18. We need an OK smiley, or a will do :upyeah:
    • Like Like x 1
  19. Clutch cover does look a bit of a wider fit or is it me, bikes looking great :upyeah:
    • Like Like x 1
  20. And a bit more :laughing:.
    Pegs and rear sets polished. A bit over kill that but seeing as they were scratched anyway, I thought that if I didn't like them polished, I could take them to the local anodisers and get then re anodised cheap.
    Pulled the exhaust off and gave them a good going over. Got them to a high polish but stopping short of a mirror polish finish as I just can't be arsed. Might mirror polish them some time in the future. A couple of before and after photos...

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