Had sun for about 26mins this weekend, with a nice amount of gail force wind…. Bike felt great though! Not sure if anyone is on Instagram but if you are follow @retrovtwins myself and a couple of friends with similar period bikes.
Did my first track day last Wed, Castle Combe in the howling rain… passed noise testing at 102 db, Can’t Lie I think this might have inspired me to build one of the spare bikes into a track bike
Been a busy few weeks but did find some time at the weekend to install some more goodies in the 996, always had it in my head is keep the 916 as close to stick as possible, and then modernise a few bits on the 996 as it gets used the most. So new bars and controls on the 996 along with a pointless timing cover and new clutch line. did also take the 916 out last week for a run to a local bike night! If anyone uses Instagram check out @retrovtwins
Small update, stuck a new slave on the 996 at the weekend, with this and the new washer for behind the basket it is all pretty much new and lovely hopefully providing miles more fun!
Few pics from the first Retro V Twins ride out the other weekend. follow On our Instagram @retrovtwins
Few miles on the yellow one since MOT. Also got bored and coated my other spare set of 5 spokes for it change it up a little.
Been a while hope everyone is good! Dunlop’s are amazing! did a photoshoot the other night for my Instagram page, (visor came off to ride home ) pictures are cool though!
Winter isn’t much fun, decided to ride from Portsmouth to Portland for a cuppa the other week when we had all the snow. Must admit had better ideas. But… took a cool photo. think I’ve decide the 916 can go. If anyone is interested please get in touch.