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Flash for Cash

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Loz, Aug 16, 2013.

  1. I drive a Saab. Everyone lets me out. :tongue:

    When on bike NEVER believe a cars indicators or their intentions. Always mistrust everything. Ive had em look me in the eye and still fucking pull out on me. Even if they applied in triplicate i'd still not believe em.

    In France people practically mount the kerb to let you bye with a kind wave. I love the French.
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  2. You couldn't wait until you were at home ... in the shower perhaps?
  3. work it out.......
  4. Wash it as hard as you like!
  5. And when your being flashed to be let out or turn into another road just beware of cyclists coming down the left side or the side you can't see and also for motorbikes who are filtering and who can't see the car flashing to let you go as they come down the visible side

    A few times I have cringed at said encounters as I have watched it unfolding

    If I see someone trying to get out I have slowed down approaching and have flashed to let said car/bike out
    Sometimes I have to say it's ok with a wave of my hand
  6. There are many bikers also that forget to cancel indicators lately
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  7. All these driving riding experts here, some one should know....:wink:
  8. True.

    They won't pipe up though, they're afraid some traffic cop will shoot them down in flames with vague statements and obscure pronouncements :upyeah:
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  9. I can be guilty of that at times Ducbird. Doh!
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  10. Alright I will bite.


  11. Wouldn't an accident investigator work out what had happened in reality, marks on road etc.

    If plod is called wouldn't it be a simple matter to check for rear brake light bulbs, the absence of which would give some clues ?
    #31 johnv, Aug 16, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2013
  12. Oh and ^^^ wot Pete said.
  13. well done that man.......

    there you go not so vague now and all the trappings that come with giving false information and acting on false information.

    If you see a traffic cop let me know.....
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  14. i doubt you would get a traffic cop let alone a CI for the majority of collisions....
  15. Favourite story time.

    I was in a bike shop in Gosport many years ago. I looked out the window at the main road - the shop was in the corner of a crossroads. A car came trundling along the main road, someone pulled out of one side-street, someone else pulled out the other, all headed in the same direction and all three collided, at approximately 15mph. The three vehicles pulled over to the side of the road, followed by a ... yep, a police car with the two PCs shaking their heads as they went. They didn't stop.

    PITA for the three motorists but I could not stop laughing. It was like a comedy sketch.
  16. And me  especially while I was learning I was always being reminded

    I double tap the indicator switch now just to make sure
  17. Just the other day I was going around some bends where there was a side road from the left with a car dithering about whether to pull out in front of me or not and I thought 'idiot', then I realised I still had by left indicator on. Doh indeed :eek:
  18. Never trusted this flash to let you out business, I first started driving in Italy where a flash means exactly the opposite i.e. 'I am coming so stay out of my way'.

    Don't trust other drivers either, work on the basis that they are all either stupid or actually out to kill me...
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  19. I'm going through a cyclist claiming I ran them down on the road. What really happened was they fell over in front of me of their own accord. He then waits 6 months to make a claim.

    The insurance company is looking into the incident. I think we all know what the outcome will be even though I told them it'd a scam from day 1.
  20. Flashing , ooh eerrr, is a way of life here , it happens at least once every journey , because there are so many entrances and exits in this little island , I have yet to see a report in the local paper of "but he flashed me M'Lud " ,
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