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Food and drink tax - I just don't know how they dare

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by damodici, Nov 1, 2013.

  1. errr...steady on old bean. baby out with the dishwasher and all that. smoke or drink too much?

    dammit. its that martin niemoller poem thing all over again
  2. So how could / should we as a nation tackle obesity ? It is a problem that is getting bigger(!)
  3. stop selling crisps,mufin and a coke cheeper than a tunna sanny.
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  4. Nonsense. Depending on your personal circumstances, you will either pay more tax whether you are alive or dead. Someone must care!!!
  5. You just perform self restraint. If you get too tubby and I mean too tubby then perhaps one can take up an amphetamine habit to balance it all out.
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  6. totaly.
  7. Unfair:mad:

    We can't help it, it's glandular. Or a slow metabolism. Something like that.
  8. Make the fat ~@%!*#s buy two seats.
    Not like this though:biggrin:
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  9. Ahhh, the classic media 'skew things to create an outrage' type of thing. What wasn't quite so widely reported was the 20% tax on fizzy drinks would be met with a 20% subsidy on their sugar free alternatives. While your sprite may go up to £1.20, your sprite zero would actually drop to 80p (assuming both were a pound to begin with) so actually it would benefit you.

    Alternatively they could add crack to all sugar rich drinks. Think about it - you never see a tubby smack head.

    IMHO there is no down side to this.
    #29 philoldsmobile, Nov 2, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2013
  10. Are you seriously suggesting the news media don't report the facts in an impartial way?
    Outrageous. Who could imagine such a thing happening.
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  11. just tax fat people more and if they dont work and dont pay tax just use them all to fuel bio-waste power stations
    #31 Phill, Nov 2, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2013
  12. To be fair to all you chunkies out there, i count myself lucky as having an unusual metabolism as I eat fry ups, cakes, biscuits, fizzy pop etc without putting on weight or high cholesterol levels. I eat junk all day long. Its great and I can see why they do to. I can easily eat a whole packet of chocolate malted milk in a single sitting. I'm 10.5st. 30" waist. One day I will balloon I'm sure. Unless the fags don't get me 1st. Who wants to live in a world where everyone is fit and beautiful anyway. It'd mean salad all day long, no beer and no fucking hobnobs. Bollocks to it.
  13. I, of course, am not fat. Merely underheight.
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  14. Erm I would say it is this ;)

  15. Saturday tea time, morrisons, Todmorden. Big fatty with mandatory leggings on, husband (pot beer belly) in a shell suit with his slippers on and three unkempt urchins. Are these people born like this or do they have to work at it? Its surely against my human rights to have to see them? I felt violated.
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  16. You just cant choose your family I'm afraid. :tongue:
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  17. I'm glad I didn't have a mouthful of coffee just then :upyeah:

  18. the moon...

    if you can afford the stratospheric tax and the astronomic tax and the...

  19. no...but you can disown or kill them.
  20. Jeremy Bamber tried that now look where he is. Forever
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