Football focus

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Richard 1200, Dec 7, 2013.

  1. That's not what my Scottish friend said when he went up to Murrayfield to watch Scotland play South Africa recently :wink:
    #21 johnv, Dec 8, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2013
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  2. i went to both england v Australia and the new zealand game at twickenham cracking days out…………………..

    heres a thing

    my local town football tossers get less than 5000 crowd on a saturday…this generally involves numerous PSU, spotters, and extra staff all having their weekend inconvenienced let alone taking them away from proper work and the cost involved from my taxes!!………….on the same saturday the local town rugby club play with just under 14000 capacity crowd ….not a copper in sight……well on duty anyway...

    its an attitude thing!
  3. Tells you all you need to know Andy.
  4. Yeah, Rugby fan are a bit Blue Peter. Footie fans are more Magpie.
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  5. never liked magpie
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  6. I see. A fellow of the double sided sticky tape and the twee middle classes eh? You've changed.
  7. done both, had private education till form3 that's primery4 for youse plebs:tongue: then the recession hit and me old mans plumbing business went down.
  8. I too had a private school education at the expense of the local council from yr1 to yr4 senior school. Until I was expelled....
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