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For All The Naysayers: Circuit Of Wales To Go Ahead

Discussion in 'Racing & Bike Sport' started by redsail, Nov 18, 2015.

  1. And they take the place of old grounds and update them/increase capacity/make them more accessible to the public/make them safer for the public.

    This track doesn't take the place of an old track or anything like that. It's a political folly. And Blaenau Gwent Council do this all the time.
  2. It would be nice to have a track 30 mins away instead of 2+ hours
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. So you dont think that some of the older tracks will make way for this new super track? Be that in a deliberate ploy or over time?

    Be amazed if that didnt happen tbh.

    Cant speak from whatever council that is, just find it very disappointing even bikers cant support the project. Ive found funnily enough the people that don’t support it are usually the same folk who prattle on about the EU and how theyre taking everything away from us too. Guess some people aren’t happy unless theyre moaning.

    Imagine a country where we we actively encouraged improvement and development instead of sitting there moaning how much it will cost the taxpayer or how its bound to fail.
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  4. Some lovely roads leading to the circuit they will all be missing out on ;)

    It's a much needed project for the area I hope it goes ahead :)
    • Agree Agree x 4

  5. me too, long overdue :thumbsup:
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  6. That council is where this track is supposed to be located. All I'm saying is that this particular council seem to have a track record of investing in/building white elephants.

  7. Looking at the last report where it was given the green light, the council are spoken about in quite glowing terms in respect of their input so hopefully a change from whatever’s perceived to be the norm.

    It also says there will be a Technology and Development Centre for Motorsport which should hopefully ease Pete’s fears that it will only be a summer facility or employ people in the summer months only.,
  8. Well as soon as the merest hint of any construction beginning gets to the authorities those roads will be classed as dangerous and will be home to traffic cameras and any other way of gaining revenue.
  9. Have you noticed this around other tracks because I cant say I have (although I do tend to limit myself to Brands, Silverstone and Donny by and large)?
  10. Well apart from the GATSO less than a mile from the Silverstone junction, the average speed camera's on the M1 and the traffic camera vans and Police bikes that are ever present around big circuits for premium events, no I can't say that I have.
    But then again we are talking about Wales, the country that puts traffic camera vans on bridges over the M4 before the toll bridge.

  11. I don’t suppose DB was referring to the local motorway access when she described the lovely roads people might miss out on lol

    I spent most of Saturday GP weekend honing about round Silverstone this year, didn’t have one bit of bother, same with Brands and Donny for the BSB.

    You just need to be a bit more camera savvy by the sounds of it ;)
  12. Imagine a country in which F1 & MotoGP meetings and tracks are helped out, subsidised ,and given tax breaks by the authorities (as they are in almost every other country which stages GPs), instead of Silverstone being left to struggle on unsupported as it is. Silverstone desperately needs financial help if it is to carry on, but none is forthcoming. Yes, I'm moaning about that failure of public policy. What I'm moaning about even more is the plan to piss away public and private money on this patently unviable Welsh boondoggle instead. We have been here before - remember Rockingham? When millions were wasted on an unneeded circuit at the same time as viable circuits were struggling and going under?
  13. No-one can blame Blaenau Gwent Council for wanting to stimulate the local economy by encouraging a major development of some kind. So they should, and good luck to them. Sadly they know as much about motor racing circuits as Corby Council did when they decided to build Rockingham, i.e. bugger all. They have been sold a line of bullshit.

    The best hope now is that the workshops, offices, warehouses, hotels, etc will get built and be successful - and that the crap about building a circuit will get cancelled before too many millions are wasted.
    • Agree Agree x 2

  14. Isnt the COW being privately funded?
  15. Im not too bothered about Rockingham (or Silverstone if im being brutally honest – its a tedious shithole for watching racing and vastly over-priced/up its own arse). Be great to have a new circuit with a slight hint of interest for the spectating public/race fans in general.
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  16. And if you think we have too many circuits the BSB calendar is hardly chocka with belters is it. What is it this year 3 times at Brands, twice at Oulton and a trip to Holland as the highlight?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. I'm no fan of camera vans but that particular van is there to stop people steaming into the tolls at 90mph. It works too because it's clearly visible from miles away. You've got to be driving like a bit of a twat to get nicked by that one.
  18. Yes they probably will :(
  19. The roads at the moment are camera free or were.

    Even off the motorway at Cardiff the road up to the "circuit" is good
  20. For the track to work, it has to make money. To make money it has to get in plenty of paying customers, more so than Silverstone does now for its big events.
    Where will all these people stay? Two hotels wont even accommodate all the support staff for an average race weekend, all of whom need to be as close to the circuit as possible, let alone a big event like Motogp.

    The idea is great but it doesn't take much financial nous to know its not financially viable in the short to medium term at the very least much of which is down to its position in the country as a whole.

    Say a trackday there is £200, similar to Silverstone. How many people would venture out that way to one?
    • Agree Agree x 1
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