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For All The Naysayers: Circuit Of Wales To Go Ahead

Discussion in 'Racing & Bike Sport' started by redsail, Nov 18, 2015.

  1. I was though... took the ball and ran with it :)

    EDIT: At some point you've got to say feck em.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. Speaking of balls... good game wasn't it finm ;)
  3. meh.
    ram yer track. :Finger::smileys:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. Ha. Fair play the boys in blue are playing their best in years.
  5. yip. their not as shite as they used to be, before somebody else says it.
  6. still shite though
    • Funny Funny x 1

  7. Most people there are on benefits wouldn't it be good to get them out of the deprivation
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. what? and on to the track? :rolleyes:
  9. No working you know so you stop moaning about your tax money going to the scroungers
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Not unless there was a real prospect of a financial return

    If private investors want to build the circuit of wales and put their money on the line they have my 100% support

    What I don't like is tax payers money being spent on a vanity project of dubious economic advantage for the country as a whole - yes it may well benefit Wales but any benefits there would be offset by costs elsewhere
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. There's a job as top investment advisor at Aviva Investors for you then Ken, you could save them a fortune! You know, even though they've got all that experience investing in Welsh developments and infrastructure from before they were even called Aviva (Norwich Union) and focus on long term investment projects with 200+ billion asset management portfolio, I'm sure they'd appreciate your advice. Pick up the phone man.:tearsofjoy:

    In the mean time I'm just going to wait and see what actually happens.
    • Like Like x 2
  12. Again, according to your theory, every single piece of Taxpayer expenditure would have an equal and opposite negative effect elsewhere. Need to spend money on education in Birmingham? Whoops, Education in Cornwall would suffer. Clearly, this is horseshit.
    • Agree Agree x 4
    • Disagree Disagree x 1

  13. so you take punters from one venue where they spend money and move them to another where they spend the same money

    so the same amount of money is being spent

    where do all the extra jobs and money come from?

    if you can explain how building an extra circuit anywhere is going to increase economic benefit over the whole country
  14. remind me why spending 5k per person in greater london is good for the uk economy?
    i know jack about wales whys that? explain please?
    • Like Like x 1
  15. Money is fungible, there isn't a fixed amount of money that can only be spent on motoracing. People spend money on lots of things depending on many factors and priorities at a give time. So money spent at COW could be money not spent down the pub, or not on white goods or not on a weekend break to Cornwall, not just not at another race track.
  16. True but if you are looking at only one or 2 major motoring events like F1 and moto GP adding another racetrack is not going to increase money spent when the events move from one venue to another

    The only way the circuit of wales will stack up if they attract a whole lot of new events in addition to those that exist already instead of just pulling events from one facility to another

    Given Donnington is struggling already the cards don not stack up well
  17. Donnington is a fucken dump. Thats why it doesnt do well - a great track with very poor facilities, surrounded by quarry type roads.
    • Agree Agree x 3

  18. I believe there will be lots going on there not just motogp an F1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. deffo. get the write people on the job who can think out the box. got to be worth supporting.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. Donington is not struggling; it's pretty much booked out all year; which is why it is so hard to get track day there over the past few years.

    We could really do with a good UK bike track. Why not put it in Wales; or is that part of the UK reserved for only water and sheep?
    • Agree Agree x 1
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