Anything that costs serious money isn’t going to get taught in schools. The budget to deliver ceramics just isn’t in schools any longer. The amount allocated to pupils for art is shockingly low. It is no longer appreciated nor truly encouraged at a whole school level. It really only survives at my partners school as it lifts the schools results enough in the league tables that it’s tolerated there.
Project completed during the first lockdown made from kits of raw cast iron castings from Stuart Models, a long standing uk company. All manufactured on a small manual lathe and milling machine within my garden shed.
Yeah, it's so wrong, nearly all art is really good for mental health. I know a couple of people local to me that do ceramic courses as therapy.
These little beasties, used for trout fishing. Hope to collect a load of my fly making gear from the UK next week, then will be starting to make them again in the new year.
A miniature steam beam engine? You've got to be kidding me? How amazing is that? A physical mini reproduction of the industrial revolution and a showcase of engineering skills par excellence! fabrication takes far longer than expected, I can only imagine how many hours work involved, I tip my hat to you sir.
Well... what can I say... that is just fantastic & I am completely blown away by the skill & dedication for such a project. I love the design, form & sound of radial engines and regardless of how many pictures etc I look at I still can't get the crank/con rod arrangement in my head.
Another wow at the skill & dedication of some people... did you have to get that boiler pressure tested & certified etc? And to think I was going to put pictures up of the chicken run I built....
Radial engines are so cool! Here's one in an old motorcycle. That layout certainly give some ground clearance. But not so good for wheelies.
That is fantastic & if you like radials then you'll like the first clip in this thread
Think of a simple single cylinder engine with one Conrod. Now attach any number of secondary Conrods to the master conrod. I find the cam wheel arrangement more interesting. To keep it balanced you need 2 cams for inlet and 2 cams for exhaust and spin it at 1/4 engine speed. The same cams operate all the valves.
I always remember the film of I think a French guy who built a working miniature ferrari in his basement workshop, If I remember correctly Mr clarkson presented it.