You bl**dy liar...........they are all of you ploughing tarmac with your nose.......:wink: Bet your nose made you turn quicker.....
how could they be..? when you raced cameras had film,usually 36 frames, so when you went past the camera all the pics were taken.
Huh......well if you can take your brain out then turn an outfit around 180 degrees without the driver doing anything I guess that's about 40mph....... Call yourself a pilot? You just landed on your nose...............or is that what you are supposed to do...........glad you aren't the captain of a ship.......Concordia like........
And I'm guessing you never ended on your arse...I'd rather bin it trying to win it than be able to blame someone else when it all goes wrong..those than can, do. Those that cant jump in a Sidecar.. back on thread I'm loving those wide angle shots
Twice...........but at least I have got a number of trophies with 1 & 2 on them (no, we didn't finish 12th ........but possibly 21th) and a few 3, 4 and 5s.................and a Series I guess we did OK......
My fav so far...mate did it when handing over the £50 bet we had on who would finish 1st. Out if the 3 of us I was expected to be distant 3rd...enjoyed that £100 ;-)