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Frickin Owls!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by RadiheadR6, Aug 20, 2013.

  1. The owls have eaten them.
  2. Even so, the child actors have made a fortune out of the franchise.
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  3. Interesting, I usually just have some background music on. :wink:
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  4. We have raving seagulls!
    Dark time Raving giving it large at 2am !!

    I have no idea why they have a rave on my roof at 2am screeching heads off :)

    Or formation flying and squawking .
    Make Mr Screachy owl sound like a whisper !
    Or then there are the cats who scrap in my kitchen roof or front wall..
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  5. Yup! They Can be noisy bastards! Had one crap on me a few years ago... Lucky I was at low speed, as couldn't see feck all out the visor!
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  6. Get yourself some fouines if you want nocturnal disturbance.
  7. These ones have always been my very favourites. I wet em each time. Love em. So heres another....

    #47 bootsam, Aug 21, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
  8. I'll get myself a couple of hookers and some coke if I want nocturnal disturbances :wink:
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  9. Think yourself lucky it's not foxes - they really are noisy sods !
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  10. We have the lot - but I'm not complaining. Beats early morning jets into Heathrow and heavy traffic noise.
  11. Yeah, we get those too. Sounds like babies screaming! Not good at 2 in the morning!
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  12. Many moons ago I worked for a guy that had a Peacock as one of the members of his family, the Peacock's name was Albert and he spent most of his time perched atop the very large chimney that overlooked his large country estate.

    One day, I was putting in some s.w.a cable, working in a trench in this guys garden, and his wife called for me to stop and have a sandwich with her in the garden. I was eating my sandwich and chatting away to his wife and noticed that Albert was strutting around nearby but I didn't pay him much attention. When I had finished my sandwiches, I stood up and proffered my empty plate to Albert who looked like he might be interested in the few crumbs that were still on the plate, but he was being very hesitant to come forward to get them. Fed up with crouching down , I scattered the few remaining crumbs on the ground and turned my back to walk away. Next thing I was aware of there was a very loud screeching sound and then I felt Albert's claws digging into my shoulders and he was attacking my head with his very sharp beak, stabbing frantically away on the back of my head. His huge plumage was in full display, feathers everywhere, and I ran screaming like a school ,girl head ducked desperately trying to escape from Albert.

    His wife was laughing her head off, but I had to finish the job in the trench, and as Albert was still staring, at me obviously intent on injuring me, I had to insist that she stood guard over me whilst I finished my work in the trench, which I did, but I couldn't relax for a moment as Albert was hovering nearby.

    The strange thing was that every subsequent time my car turned into the drive where Albert lived, I could see him perched on the chimney, and as soon as he sighted my car he would swoop down and go into attack mode and have another go at me when ever I exited my car. It was so bad that I had to resort to wearing my hard hat when leaving the car and run to the front door and knock frantically to be let in.
    The guy I worked for thought it was hilarious. I hatched all kind of dastardly thoughts to kill Albert, and definitely would have carried them out but I was worried I would be found out, so unfortunately didn't .
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  13. Worst thing in the world to be attacked by a big cock!...:wink:
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  14. I bet there's nothing worse than being "tapped" on the head by a large cock !!! :wink: :biggrin:

    Damn !!! Too slow :mad:
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  15. This thread is a hoot!

    see what I did there?...:biggrin:
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  16. twit

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  17. maybe a new branch of hooters has opened next door
  18. We used to live just up the road from the Naval Engineering College - they had Peacocks in the grounds. Yes, they are noisy Screeching things too !
  19. Did I tell you about my ferret?

    Nasty bastards, ferrets. My dad had some, I hated the bloody things. Anyway, I have foxes, badgers, any brand of bird you care to mention, all manner of insects, pikeys, everything in my garden. I know a ghilly, and he told me the best way to get rid of unwanted animals in the gerden was to 'scent' it. ie, take a slash in it every now and then, and it works. So I'm stood there pissing down a foxhole early one morning, and I had a very strong feeling I was being watched.

    So I'm looking all around me - nothing to see - do the shake then look down to zip up...and there's a very wet ferret looking up at me.

    I hate ferrets, have I mentioned that?

    This one's wearing a collar, so obviously a pet, and as I walk towards the kitchen door it bounds along behind me. No problem, open a tin of tuna and pour a saucer of water, and the ferret is chuffed to bits. He's just kicking back in the sunshine now, obviously fully contented, so I thought now might be the time to check him over to make sure he's ok and take a look at the collar to find out who he belonged to.

    Wrong. The evil little motherf*cker near took my finger off:mad:

    So now, the 'scenting' goes on. I go out early morning and have a splash, and two minutes later the poxy feckin' ferret does the same!

    I know when I'm beaten:frown:.
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  20. At one time I had a neighbour who used to do that, before the men in white coats came and took him away.
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