There’s a couple of familiar faces there. Did you do Wales with Steve? Male Whale rocked up and gave us all a lesson in fast road riding. I think that was the same weekend I was 1mm away from rear ending Martin at about 90mph because I was watching Steve pull near vertical wheelies! We did North Yorkshire, I thought that was the one you were on. I remember Martin and I getting caught out by jump, having time to look down and thinking this is a bit too high! I can’t remember the lads name, but he went way wide on a right handed, went off the road through a puddle, drenching us all behind him in muddy water, the bike jumped and placed him back on the road. I swear he didn’t back off the whole time. How we laughed!
Tiz me. Never had a Fazer though. Had plenty of aprilias and tonnes of Tuonos. You might find me Nobing about on Tuonoworld
We also have a mutual friend from Durham if you remember. Tifa’s sound and comes on most of the TW trips. We usually do Spain Scotland Wales every year and a few in between.
Bugger, if you sods didn't find one then, no hope now. I'm gonna have to make one. Unless this thread revival sparks new findings!