Last game I played was Tourist Trophy on PS2. Had 3 months on my hands after a spinal injury. I completed more than on on any other game I'd ever played. The 3 days a week when kids were at nursery and wife was at work were the best healing time ever. Medicinal craft beer and PS2. Magic.
well the weather was crap all weekend so spent most of my time playing the Last of us on the PS4 Still good and glad i decided to buy it on the 4 After owning and completing on the 3 - Still makes me jump in places gameplay is as good as ever
Mmmm, stands up, looks sheepishly around the room, clears throat and say's, " Hi my name is Chris, I am 58 and play COD Ghosts on my PC, I am a gameaholic"
Happy wheels! - Home Of Happy Wheels - Happy Wheels - I defy anyone not to laugh... Can't get my kids off it! LA cops on steam - well, I will be.... I like to bring something new to the table...
I've always been a PC gamer but recently (at 26) I've become bored... However, gave Counter Strike Global Offence another go as I used to play CS:S and CS 1.6 competitively back in the day. So I jumped into a competitive match on CS:GO and absolutely LOVED it. Finally, a game to sink my teeth into. Also finally got a mod working to sort out The Witcher 2's god awful FOV setting, so it's actually playable now. Really enjoying that.
Can't use a controller /console for fps, mouse and keyboard is the only way to go.... Cut my teeth on counterstrike years ago when it was in beta (showing my age).....
I'm currently addicted to Destiny on the One, was on Titanfall before that. Add me up for games, am trying to get on every night. GT is nick pavey