I'm suffering from a slight case of Destiny obsession as well, it's bloody awesome! Lv22 Titan at the moment. Gamertag is: Attila UK GT4 I'm on Xbox ONE if anyone wants to add me
Just finished Dishonoured. Fantastic game. Set in a 'Steampunk' city similar to Victorian London but with swords and magic. It is first person and very 'stealth' It's the game Thief 4 should have been. You can fight and kil your way through but it changes the ending, making it more 'negative' and cuts off some of the options and side quests. I just completed the whole game without killing anyone, pure sneak and knockouts
I have also been working on 'bug fixes on one of my Skyrim Mods . 'Ultimate Whiterun. Sorting some Navmesh problems and adding walkways above the gatehouse. (my other mods are 'Complete Solitude' and Foxchase Manor (player home and village)
I'm on 'Please let me rip my arms off and beat myself to death with them'...also known as Dark Souls 2. Waiting for the final part of the expansion on 26th Sept and then (for those who know) will NG+ it. Got Shadows of Mordor on order for the end of the month and also the remastered Gauntlet Game from the 80's (Red Wizard you are about to die!) Finished both Dishonoured and Skyrim and loved them both. If you have not tried DS2 though, I highly recommend it.
I became addicted to Reversi, so I deleted it and all other games from my computer. Job done. I have freed up hours and hours for more useful pursuits, like wasting time on this forum...
BoS any good? I'm enjoying CLoD and just downloaded FC3 That was directed at you OldJock, no idea why the quote didn't work.
The graphics are stunning but its super real as far as flight models go, so you could spend weeks just getting the hang of one of the aircraft. There is no "shoot up" mode. I'm trying to get the hang of the FW 190 A3 but even keeping the fffff'n thing in the air is proving a challenge in itself. I'd hang on as its going to get official release soon their in the last of the Beta testing modes or so they say. You'll also need a lot of memory a fast machine and a good graphics card to get the best out of it. I'm loving it but I'm a bit of a flight sim addict John
PS4 game list sucks at the mo if you're not 100% into first person shooters. So at the moment I am loving this site: Game Oldies | Play retro games online
After the plus comments on last of us, I bought that, not a bad game but a bit stuck with one of the big ugly beasties at the mo...and still playing black flag to complete it.
Not sure I fancy all the snow! I'm a flight sim saddo as well:Bag:Track IR, HOTAS, pedals, in fact I'm surprised I managed to pull the wife:Woot:
Yeah lots of complaints about the snow being hard on the eyes. There is another package you can run with it called Flight FX which allows you to color grade it and mute down some of the colors, similar to a god video editing package. I should add the area is small but highly detailed compared with a lot of other simms. There are about 10 or more aircraft, bombers and fighters, allied and axis. There are 3 modes (I think) simple, normal and advance I reckon I'm going to drop down to simple for a while to see if I can reduce my mortality rate. Yesterday I took on a bomber in a 1 to 1 and lost every time I was flying the 190 then a 109 both should have made mincemeat of the enemy. I just purchased Thrustmaster Warthog HOTAS, and a VKB T-Rudder bar. I was amazed at how much stuff is out there, how expensive it all is and how much of the stuff is being made by Russians. T-rudder pedals USB (EU) : VKB FSC Europe If you think that's expensive these are budget, high end the real sweet bars with toe brakes etc: would make yer eyes water at the cost. These are really good. I suppose its a bit like HiFi or watches, how much does Sir want to spend? The quality of these rudders and sticks are like Rizoma and NCR kit for the bikes. I also have a Space Navigator which I use for other stuff but have been able to set it as a Joystick (for Pilot Head movement) using a couple of really useful little mapping programs for HIDs (not the light ya muppets, Human Interface Devices), in Windies. Here is the Space Navigator 3Dconnexion : SpaceNavigator If you want the mapping programs which can be used to map joysticks onto older games etc: too These are VJoy Home and UJR UJR - Universal Joystick Remapper I also found this on a forum which works similar to UJR and it worked for me, sn2VJoy Star Citizen | Sx2vJoy; 3DConnexion 6DOF devices working like a 3D joystick (formerly SN2vJoy) Sx2vJoy; 3DConnexion 6DOF devices working like a 3D joystick (formerly SN2vJoy) - RSI Community Forums These give you an idea what its all about Apologies for his rather nasal annoying voice Apologies from me for being a Johnny nae mates/saddo
Its a kind of cross between a MMO and a first person shooter, the (enormous) game worlds are populated with loads of other people but when you go into certain areas in missions it shrinks this down to a 3 person fireteam. The story is ok, if a bit flat, but the game mechanics are fantastic. there are several game modes, Story - the main storyline missions either playable on your own or with 2 mates (or randoms if you fancy it) Patrol - a kind of free roam in the game worlds where you can explore or do small missions scattered around, again you can do this on your own or with 2 others in a fireteam but the world has others wandering around doing their own thing. In Patrol there are also randomly generated 'Public Events' which are challenges which everyone in the world at the time can take part in. Strikes - harder missions only playable as a fireteam of 3 culminating in a big boss battle, if you have no mates then the game matches you up with others The Cruicible - multiplayer PvP, several different game types some more fun than others. and finally Raids - these only unlock when you are very high level and you need 6 people to complete then, Bungie have been very tight lipped about what these involve, the first one appears on Friday... Overall i am really enjoying it, there are some things that could be better but the game will evolve over time...
Not played one for ages, last game was Mafia Wars as it was quick and not a lot of time needed. Starwars for a while. I have an account for Shroud of the Avatar, beta, and paid to kickstarter looks really good just do not get time anymore. But I was an avid UO player put in many years, and hours, met a few guys in RL as well from our NDK Guild.
yeah, shoot and loot like borderlands but with a pvp mode. its quite a bit more polished than borderlands though
When I played Dishonoured I killed everything. Screw the ending. Agree its a good game. But when I play an FPS I will not leave a level until everyone is dead. Everyone.