Well Alien Isolation. Played last evening for 3h, had nightmares for 3h after that. Providing you play it with 5.1, high res and in darkened room good fucking luck not getting carried away and proper scared.
Oooh interesting. The only game that ever gave the heebeejeebees was teh original Doom back in the day. I'd often play it in the wee small hours (was a student) and it frequently made my skin crawl. I might just give this one a go. Playing Mass Effect III. I played the original mass effect back in the day and missed ME2 and went straight to 3. So far its okay. But I like the sound of Alien Iso.
Mass effect is great but skipping 2 is like skipping 2nd Lord of rings or 2nd matrix.... Part of story. Alien is a survival game not 1st person shoot me up which is why it is different. It did drag me in quickly unlike all previous ones.
Playing Alien Isolation as well and I'm not too proud to say scared the living shit out of me.. its good and takes some getting used to after playing numerous FPS, with this the aim is to run and hide, not shoot everything!
I skipped ME2 because its not really my kind of game. But with so little to choose on PC, i decided to give ME3 a go. Ive not lost the story as ive picked up what ME2 was about anyway. I may halt and go for the Alien game as shoot run and hide suits me, plus I like atmospheric games that creep you out. I can easily skip Matrix 2 and 3. Theyre shite. As for LotR, ive read the books.
Addicted to destiny on PS4 at the moment, great fun, supposed to be better in teams so send me an invite if you have it ;-) davep1967 is my psn