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Garmin Zumo At Aldi

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by GordonH, Mar 17, 2016.

  1. Doesn't help with such close clearance between tank and bar either.
  2. You have the option of buying a different type of RAM mount, to tailor to your bike??
  3. I feel like I'm heading down that route...
  4. what about simply replacing the bolts (if you need to) and having the mount coming off the back of the clutch mount? Ie don't use the U clip
  5. The spare bolts are provided but it's too far outboard (for my taste). My ideal spot would be dead centre.
  6. I think it's functional now, but searching for elegance.
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  7. does the bracket fit on the lower bar clamp bolts? Cant remember the name, but someone posted one recently (may have be touratech) that fits onto the 4 bottles right in the centre
  8. It will connect to a Bluetooth headset for audible directions, if you don't already have one you'll need to make an additional purchase.

    It lacks the ability to connect to your phone and act as a hub to your headset. The higher end Zumos can do this and show incoming calls, phonebook, allow dailing from Points of Interest etc. It also lacks a media player for MP3s that the higher end models have.

    Basecamp can take a bit of getting used to but works well once you have it mastered. Main advantage is that it uses the same mapping data that the GPS uses, unlike other brands where you have to plan using 3rd party applications running the Google Maps API.

    Not sure if Basecamp, and for that matter the unit itself, still tries to default to the motorcycling profile. This caused me some grief until I discovered that you can override it.

    This is for my Zumo 660 and a few years old, same principals should apply though.

    Here's the page for the 340 on the Garmin website.

    Not too sure on handlebar clamp bolt size but if it's 8mm then this might be a neat and tidy way to mount to the bike.
    #48 Bumpkin, Mar 23, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2016
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    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  9. There is a simple ram ball mount which comes with a bolt that you substitute by removing one of the four bolts in the clamp on the middle of the handle bar
  10. This looks like the right solution RAM Mount UK
  11. I played with basecamp earlier and found some odd choices of route it seems maybe i have fallen victim to these settings. I need to try again tomorrow with these changes.
  12. Ordered (from Amazon)
  13. That's the one I have used. Does not get in the way of anything and gives a small amount of height adjustment once fitted by moving the arm up or down or left to right
  14. If you have iPad or iPhone (don't know about android) there's a really easy and useful free app Inroute that I use, email to myself the gpx file then upload to the satnav
  15. As I said, I've connected mine to my headset via bluetooth. Works great!
  16. I use one of these Ram mounts on my ST4, works well. You can also get longer double ball clamps which would give you more positioning possibilities.

    You guys are making me think about getting one of these instead of using my iPhone with Copilot. Hmmm.
  17. I've offered up the existing double clamp to an imaginary ball fitted to one of the front two bolts on the bar clamp and it looks very promising. My order has been dispatched so will report back with pics when it arrives.
  18. I made the settings changes suggested in this tutorial and it seems much more logical now. Before I would try to add a waypoint and the route would completely change. There must be something wrong with the road classification logic.
  19. When Garmin dropped Mapsource, the old route planning software, and introduced Basecamp there was almost a revolt from seasoned users. Not only did it screw up your previous carefully plotted routes it also uses a database rather than file orientated storage. I tired it and hated it. Returned a year later and gave it a couple of hours, found the M/C profile glitch, and haven't looked back since. The attempt to automatically generate more motorcycle friendly routes is idiotic IMHO, far better to leave that decision down to the individual. I use Michelin maps, yes paper ones, in the planning stages for my foreign trips. The green edged scenic routes invariably make for a great days riding. Michelin mapping, complete with these 'biking road' indicators, is also available when using ITN Converter. I also use this in the preliminary planning stages, then export as GPX and reimport into Basecamp for final finessing.

    I use two short arms (one came with my Zumo 660) and a double ball knuckle to give a slightly longer but more adaptable mount, easier to move into different positions. Useful with an expanding tank bag. This set-up will find its way onto my Mutley later this year. Already have the base ball to go on the handlebar clamp. Blimey, RAM stuff has really gone up in price :eek:penmouth:, glad I've got a few bits in the shed.

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