I will be there as early as I can. The earliest I've been there has been 10am, earlier seems a bit of a mission to get out the door but it seems like many turn up early on Sunday. I've only been to the venue twice. Despite not knowing it was Aprila/Guzzi day last time and despite not a huge turn out from the Aprila boys/girls, it was still packed with people who visit on bikes. I think the numbers reduce from about 12ish on wards? The Sausage seem to put a fence (with gaps in) midway down the car park and early attendees get priority boarding / parking on the side of the fence nearest the toilets, burger bar (furthest away from the main road). All bikes can be seen where ever you park. There have only been a few cars there when I've been but the bikes are then pack in everywhere else. Last time I had to leave the 998, right on the edge of the exit due to how the other bikes were parked. I did worry some bad car driver with poor spatial awareness might clip it on the way out, so I moved it after walking the circuit and finding a gap. I am told the Suzuki turn out is the biggest? Although, I've been doing my bit riding round with a t-shirt on, Ducati gathering of the clan 2016..... Ok that's a lie but I've told a few local Ducati owners on my travels there might be a few more there on this date. I did not want to over sell it in case turn out was poor but there seems to be 5 to 10 Ducatis there most times I visit anyway.
This year the Suzuki Gathering at the Sausage is listed for 11 September, I see, so should not clash with this.
Trucks also use the Sausage, but having lorries and bikes mixed together would not be a great plan. So trucks use only the outer parking area, and bikes the area inside the fence. Good idea from the management.
thanks mate. Unless I forget again or something disastrous happens I shall be there. I'll be riding from west london and would love to ride out with any heading out from these parts. ( unless on an ie)
that was a joke btw... I have almost nothing against the ie's ( and they make my bike look even cooler)
So what's the crack, different model bikes have to park out of view? I will be aiming for about 9am too I guess. That car park looks quite empty compared to my 2 recent visits.
I can go 90/10 and meet you on the A5 after the round about, straight line all the way there. I should be ok with that. You'll find me easy to spot I have a hi vis, POLITE NOTICE THINK BIKE (upper case) vest on order. Safety first, that's how I roll. I've also added a Ducati Forum logo and the website address so you can we proud via association. I can order a few more so we can all look cool together?