Gatwick shutdown: Is this the drone that caused the chaos? I hadn’t seen one either, only headlines saying they had video of it. Found this on BBC. Good job they put the red circle on otherwise I’d have missed it. Also it’s obvious from the video that it’s a drone flying over Gatwick runway
With such a massive so called incident, the MSM would be pushing images, video etc etc. Oh and twatter. Bigger threats to aviation than a report of a drone. It stinks.
Police have accepted they communicated poorly when suggesting there may be none. There are 67 sightings being investigated. Only time in history UFO has actually been taken seriously
One 'security specialist' has said nobody can say for sure if there were drones or there may have been red kites in the air which are common in the area. I didn't know kite flying was still a pastime.
Yeah... then sent a bigger one an took me... Luck the didn't have one large enough for your head eh? Or unlucky... it wasn't all bad
Is everybody in the UK a fncking idiot?