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Getting Married....after A Short Engagement.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by AirCon, Sep 4, 2014.

  1. Just all the others ;) I once went to my mate Emma's wedding - porked her in the past and her chief bridesmaid, but kept it a secret from my then new wife - always have secrets!
  2. I wonder if you talk in your sleep? But you wouldn't know, would you ...
  3. Probably actually - wife now lives in Prague :Wideyed:
  4. I meant dont do her on the day.
  5. Why not, unless she's a munter of course :Happy:
  6. Thursday 8th oct
  7. I got married October last year, I can't remember the date. Do not forget the date you got married!
  8. Don't ask your wife, ask a relative ;)
  9. Too late
  10. Oops :Wideyed:
  11. Yep, they really don't ask for much, I mean, remember a date, how difficult can that be :(
  12. Very difficult? ;)
  13. I was just told the date :)
  14. Lucky then!
  15. Get the date of the wedding engraved inside your wedding ring. Then you can always check it surreptitiously whenever you forget. If your memory is exceptionally fallible, you could get the wife's name engraved as well.
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  16. How can I forget.
    It's The Count and Penny's one year anniversary :0)
  17. I'm always looking for the next ex wife. As Rod Stewart suggested, I just need to find someone who hates me and buy them a house.
  18. I got married 01-01-01. Which is binary for 'youre fucked mate'. Still I cant forget it. Especially as we got together 01-01-91. Women love to remember dates. I can barely remember my own birthday. Which I was reminded by her was today.
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  19. Thursday 8th oct

    The 8th oct is a Wednesday Paul ;)
  20. Happy Birthday bootsam.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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