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1200 Givi Trekker Outbacks On A Multi 1200 '17?

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Keti, Mar 31, 2020.

  1. I have to a question about your photo.....

    what bag are you using on your engine bars??
    #41 BabyD, Apr 12, 2020
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2020
  2. did it get a bit warm today whilst fitting that you had to take your wig off & leave it on the seat :innocent:
    • Funny Funny x 1

  3. So on your first question, I've got an SW Motech adapter plate that sits in top of the normal ducati top box plate. Then my givi top box clicks straight into that.

    On your second question, maybe its just the angle of the pic but I don't have engine bars yet, so no bag. If you're looking for a small, handy day bag I'd suggest any of the givi tanklock range. Solid attachment and in my experience, they don't interfere when you take the bars from full lock to full lock.
  4. That's finest sheepskin, thank you very much! I have a sculpted seat so need some er... Extra comfort :D
  5. my mistake got mixed up between two different pictures
  6. And you had time to put stickers all over the cases too.! :p
  7. They're old cases ;) bought for my ill-fated s1000xr (the first one... See earlier post :p)
  8. F0A1DDC4-4900-4052-938E-A1453C384559.jpeg F0A1DDC4-4900-4052-938E-A1453C384559.jpeg 162FEAD5-4E48-4C8A-AA39-77C98AC6F214.jpeg
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  9. as you quoted me and I DO have crash bar bags...I'll answer :D:D
    they are Small Ortleib bags that were originally BMW Adv crash bar bags that I had on my.....you guessed..BMW GS Adv
    being tight, Ive adapted them to fit the Givi crash bars, they dont get in the way at all and allow me to carry various items like jump leads, fuel syphon, tow strap etc without impacting on any storage in the panniers/top box
    stylish tho..they aint !:p
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Thanks Funners.... I have two 5ltr roll top bags by Givi funnily enough called cash bags
    • Like Like x 1
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