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Gizza Job Mister

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by pingping010101, Feb 26, 2014.

  1. Tom
    Try companies like G4S, Mitie, Serco, GEOAmey or any of the security companies. They r always looking for interpreters and pay better money than Government agencies after interpreters.
    good luck
  2. I can ask him if you want. Pm me if you want me to...can't promise anything but I'll ask all the same....
  3. fire service.
  4. Border Agency?

    If you want 25k Taxi Driving is NOT the way to go about it for sure. If you work for someone you will be on a split at best and if you work for yourself you will be skint. Insurance costs, running costs ect, on your own you will need to be taking 50k per annum to get your 25k wage and you will never do that in a million years...I did it for 10+ years and scraped by.

    Maybe if you were a London Cabbie you might stand a chance but it takes on average 5 years to study and pass the required knowledge test.
  5. Tried the fire service? Ex Navy mate's a fireman.
  6. and they only work for 6 hours a week too :upyeah:
  7. I train a lot of guys who leave the forces to be Gas engineers, pm me if you want any info, Myk
  8. One of the hardest professions to get into
  9. I have met a few guys who were ex-forces and ex MI5 and they were trainers on training on covert surveillance techniques, personal and diplomatic bodyguarding and defensive driving techniques.
  10. I think the fitness instructor idea is a good one. I know in London there is at least one "army style" boot camp thing that gets people together in Hyde Park for a workout. Neat idea: no premises or equipment. But you do seen to have a natural talent for this stuff and are a good teacher. Ideally you want to be running your own thing if possible. It's the one sack-proof job.

    There are lots of interesting questions in this area:

    Why do people join fitness clubs?
    Why do they stop going?
    What would keep them there longer?
    What do they want from one?

    Answer a few questions and you might come up with some interesting ideas. You can always design a survey on Survey Monkey for free and punt it out.
  11. Most of the emergency services use "language line" when callers are not able to speak English enough to be triaged(Ambulance service) or to get important details to make the 999 call and responce safe.Language line cost an absolute arm and leg (my understanding is about £100 a minute to the user) and is manditory.Have a look at that or what about joining the Ambulance service.Have a look at NHS jobs and type in South Western Ambulance Service which is your local one I believe.Best of luck with your search.
  12. Off shore? Yes, time away but usually a reasonable split between away / home. Also you won't (shouldn't?) get recalled when you're at home. Possibly tax free too, depending on time out of the UK.
    Best of luck in whatever you do, anyhow.
  13. Don't forget all those "transferable skills" that you picked up in the Army. Anything that you did, even if there was no formal training, will be of value to an employer. Planning, organisation, briefing people, communication etc all of these are skills used in the military and are of high value out side. Just have to be a little less errr blunt.
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  14. I've applied for a job with Triumph (amongst others), I'd love to go and work there. Gives me an excuse to re-locate to somewhere a bit cheaper too.
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  15. I've been thinking that working in the bike industry could be very rewarding, even if the pay is less than stellar :smile:
    Good luck dude
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  16. Good Luck with that, there's plenty of nice roads for a ride out around Hinckley if you have applied for the main site, some really nice Villages to locate too or get a pint. Lived over that way most of my life and only 10 mins from Mallory if they ever get some decent racing back.
  17. I have done it! 'I have resigned :) Home at some point after April 21st. Now I need to find a job. Anyone need a welder or linguist in Wiltshire? I have some specialist requirements for future employment which will probably mean I'm limited to temp work or an extremely flexible boss.
    • Like Like x 3
  18. Best of luck Tom.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  19. Any more ideas on jobs? I extended for a month so now I'll be home in May but I'm still worried about what I will do for a living when I get back. I have got no clue. There are no jobs that match my current skillset apart from what I am already doing. And the war is over.
  20. heavy plant ops are in quite aneed of late,spesh big excavators etc.
    ive been offered lots of contracts that im unable to do due to health and age but if youre yungish n fit its good work and 25-40k pa depending on hours etc.
    if you look,have a peer at powerstations etc,boring but good money.

    get it in now and save cos when you hit 55yrs old therell be fk all cept push trolleys round asda.
    atb m8.
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