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Gizza Job Mister

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by pingping010101, Feb 26, 2014.

  1. Doesn't the Army have a sort of "outplacement" dept which deals with helping soldiers integrate back into civvy street jobs?
    You've got years of work ahead of you, so you want to kick off doing something that interests you, because you'll be doing a lot of it. You really need to go and see a professional. You need something with some prospects or life isn't going to be much fun over time.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. I'm not in the Army any more. I am already a civilian and have already been through that process. I was 'outplaced' back in to war.
  3. Any chance of a placement? The degree your doing could give you a path into employment that way?
    I have many times come across consultants in M&E that are on a placement basis and the majority of them have a full time job with them after completing it.
  4. How would one even go about getting a placement?
  5. Can i assume you are studying at a University? If so they will have a placement department that would be able to provide you with details of companies that are willing to help or you could try companies on your own. Most Universities will be very helpful here as employment rates after graduation is a major key to their performance ratings across the UK.
  6. Once you've got a clear idea of the job you want to do, find a local recruitment agent/agency that places people into that industry sector - they earn their living by charging the employer a commission on your salary, so not only will you have someone working to find you a job, in an industry they understand and have contacts there, but they will be looking for the best paid work they can get for you so they earn the highest commission for having done so.
  7. I am studying at the Open University, but I'm just finishing the first year of a 6 year course. I'm not so employable right now.

    Also, my industry is that of war. If you aren't in the army then you aren't needed to fight wars. So I have to pick a new industry for which I have no experience.
  8. I wish I had something constructive to add to this thread, I really do.

    All the very best of luck to you, Tom, you deserve a chance to be with your family and to make a living while you are.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Personal security/close protection?
  10. Every man and his dog tries to do CP work when they get out. It's an old boys club and hard to get in to.
  11. I recall your language skills are relatively rare? Anything at GCHQ, cheltenham for example?
  12. No nothing at the moment.
  13. Did you try QinetiQ at Boscombe Down ? Worth sending them your cv even if nothing on their website appeals - (let me know if you do before you do as I get a grand for anyone taken on that I recommend lol). job searching is a full time job in itself as I found out
  14. Hi, Have you tried the Police?
  15. I got a job. I have re - enlisted. Back to the old stuff.
    • Dislike Dislike x 1
  16. Are you based in the UK now?
  17. I guess that's good news. Any idea on deployment, or is it wait and see?
  18. There's no real potential for deployment for anyone right now. I'll be in the UK for The foreseeable future. Unless you can see something on the horizon that I can't.

    I'm happy to be back in. I'm going to be doing a different job, so better than before.
    • Like Like x 1
  19. Peeling spuds?
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