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Gizza Job Mister

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by pingping010101, Feb 26, 2014.

  1. just make sure you leave the GoPro at home ;)
    • Like Like x 1
  2. Unless I'm parachuting. I want to get a couple of decent jump videos and I'll have to re-qualify so chances are high.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. Enjoy Brize, I'll give you a wave!
  4. Brize brings back memories :) Some baby paras were there just out of basic when we did the course. I thought Bootnecks were gopping, but these guys definately took the medal. Nice to have the three course lunches courtesy of the RAF as well, those guys live the dream.
  5. At least you probably won't get shot at, which has got to be good (for your wife too).

    But keep a look out for odd Nigerians with machetes.
  6. Tough life, this services lark eh
  7. Tom, don't underestimate your fabricator ticket.

    Fabbies of and description are hard to find as they don't make them anymore.

    Your skills are also that you can focus, concentrate for long periods under intense stress, and have single minded determination to finish your given task.

    Try looking at aerospace establishments like westlands and rolls Royce, who are always on the hunt for good fitters and fabricators. Also the engineering staff for the likes of BA.

    There's also the centre at aldermarston.

    Another good gig is air traffic control after the training.

    Failing that, there's white crab fishing in Alaska, 50k for two weeks work?
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  8. The mess there was brill, probably one of the best. I remember there was an old girl working the kitchen who did the best rice pudding I'd tasted. Thursday at the NAAFI bop was always fun, Paras vs. Rock Apes add beer and watch the fun!
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Oh, no....Surely there must've been something else! ;) Enjoy!
  10. It was more a case of really wanting more of what I got up to on my last jolly. You can't really get that any where else. I'm pretty pleased
    • Like Like x 2
  11. Sad fact is that military life does have to come to an end. On the bright side, there is a whole world of opportunity out there.
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