We have a 60 year old collects our trolleys and one of our checkout guys has just retired at 70+ We have a number of oldies and the customers love them even to the point of queuing to be served by them Sainsburys is very committed to older persons to employ give them a try
Gregotch, if you're ticketed for a slew or an all-terrain telehandler there's always site work for agency machine drivers further south. Site works is pretty shit but it sounds like anything would do right now to get some money coming in, keep you sane and give you time to think, even if you have to work away for a while. You'll be able to ignore any dickheads because you'll be the only person speaking English so you won't know what they're saying..
:Hilarious: thanks gimlet.was a telehandler op for ten years,redrow,westburys etc before the heavy stuff came along,wont be doing that again at my age,was hard graft even when i was 25 let alone 60 . was the first time i experienced "putting back out",carrying scaffolding ,bricks n cookers etc into the new builds. once had to be ambulanced off the site like an old man.. oh wait..:Bag: now i need ambulancing ONTO the site.:Hilarious: going to try one last time and try and convince a plant hire firm to employ me for free driving a 360,even a couple of weeks doing it might get my mojo back,thats whats desperately needed,confidence to just turn up on a job and at least pretend well that i know what the fk im doing,lol. machine wise i can drive anything,unfortunately you need to know "the job" and i simply dont. something should happen if i keep trying,i tend to get "down" days is all,hence my post today. sorry chaps.:Bag:
We are here for the down days There is always something out there even if you go in a different direction it's having the confidence to go that way
Waste of time pointing him at truck driving:if you haven't got a licence now,you've got to sit through a Euro-inspired 35 hours of "training"...not anything to do with actual truck driving,but to relieve the applicant of 4 or 5 hundred quid listening to an idiot droning on about how Somerset Police calculate the size of a large glass of wine...seriously,for SEVEN HOURS,he talked about that....gods truth I felt like shooting the useless,gurning,cretin. And thats before you can get a provisional LGV licence.... I try to hire only people over 50 because they know both the meaning of and the importance of work...my eldest bloke is 80,he just won't retire,drives a van,gets up at 3am if necessary,absolutely trustworthy... If you were down this manor mate,I'd give you a start...might only be washing trucks,but it would be a job,and money...
Since job centre workers were discussed earlier, this appeared in tonight's Halifax Courier - a bloke aged around 50, on a suspended sentence, punches a JC worker Elland man assaults Brighouse job centre worker - Halifax Courier
Well, now that my 'generation' has to wait until 67 for a pension, if I get paid off in my 50's early 60's, I'm fucked and on the street and bankrupt. May be that's the Governments plan. Ageism is alive and well. Hope you get sorted soon, as you say, for your own self worth.
I must admit I had a bit of a panic finding myself out of work at 50, but I'm back at it and my new employers seem very pleased so far. In fact, they're over the moon to find anyone who can do the job, cos they've been trying to recruit for this job for over a year. I was talking to one of the contracts managers today, and he said they've taken on countless people who are either just shit at the job, don't turn up, or cause problems on site. He said it had been a nightmare and he was chuffed to find someone they can trust to do the job. That's the impression I got as soon as I sat down for the interview, I felt like I'd got the job before I'd opened my mouth, and that certainly seems to be the case. You see, it's as hard to employ the right person as it is for the person to find the right job. You shouldn't give up hope gregotch, there's work out there, but it's you that has to find it. And believe me they'll be pleased to see you.
thats it in a nutshell i think really. today ive had people from various areas plus one citizen advice lady,all recommending that i go to a doctor and lay it on about all my ills,aches and pains and none of them understand that its exactly the opposite of what i want. im not looking to spend rest of my life being "disabled",in fact when at the jbcentre i tried to play down my fkd back(bike accident mainly)my psoriasis and dermatitus(caused by allergy mainly)and my tinnitus(makes me bit deaf in right ear-engine side)as they seemed keen on me claiming that as well, mind to get me off their books i think. this day and age it would seem nobody has pride in being best they can,its all just a "play" on getting what they can for as little input as possible.the JC and its clients(they tell me im a client ffs) its this that has left me feeling a bit lost and my confidence has simply disapeared now. worst still,in a shop today a gorgeous 25+yr old redhead called me "dear"... DEAR!! ffs..... :Arghh: official confirmation im no longer that young wild man i used to be..:Walkingdead: :Hilarious::Hilarious::Hilarious:
Man,a lot of us of been in your position,and it hurts....it's not just the dough,it's the dent in your ego,the not being needed...I'll bet those loads on here who have woken up with that feeling once upon a time. So here's the thing:if you wake up tomorrow with a fiver in your pocket and no work,spend all day trying to make that fiver into a tenner...scour the small ads,the cards in the baccy shop window,anywhere where people put stuff for sale. if you see something you think is worth more than they are asking and you can afford it,buy it and work hard at flogging it on for a bit more than you paid for it. If yer mates have got anything they want to give away,take it....unless it's really useless shite,in which case tell him you'll take it to the dump for a tenner... Don't be shy...if you see a pushbike or anything that looks unloved in someones front garden,knock and ask if they want to give it away,or sell it for cheap...take advantage of their laziness,and then mint it up and flog it for cash. Yeah,I know it might sound demeaning,but it's called commercial enterprise...and you'll get a great feeling when you make a few quid,I promise you. And when you've got a tenner, buy summat else,and turn it into twenty...the worlds like a big money tree mate,get out there and pick some off for yourself...you don't need a gun,just take that work ethic and pound the pavements You'll get a few knock backs,but don't give up,just get yer head down and don't let the negatives get to ya,and you'll be reet. Years ago I was in a spot like yours,and I persuaded my mate to come in with me and start a motorbike business. Our wives and him said I was mad,because we had the princely sum of eight quid (between us) We spent three quid on cards in the baccy shops saying,"motorbikes and motorbike stuff wanted,anything considered,cash paid". The phone,(no mobiles back then),was ringing off the wall by the time we got back,with people just wanting their old shite cleared out of their garden/wardrobe/garage... In no time his patio was covered in bike bits,and my shed was full of old bike clothing and stuff. A month later we had £1500 between us,a load of old shite still to sell,and a job offer... Our mortgages had been paid,and we had the grin of a lifetime...never had so much fun in my life. You can do it,mate...tomorrows a brand new day,ready for you to get out there and make a few ,(tax-free!) quid!
A us) my life. You can do it,mate...tomorrows a brand new day,ready for you to get out there and make a few ,(tax-free!) quid![/QUOTE] fk!.my intitial reaction to that was: cheers,been trying that ever since day one of the layoff, hasnt gone so well,mainly to not getting any dole for quite a while,had to sell car,sell my duc and my tiger,had to move to cheap rental,soo many bills,you just dont realise until theres no money coming in just how many have their hand out. ill keep trying and trying,just will be a few down bits i spect. currently looking for a rich widow with space in her basement .(not a eupherwotsit :Hilarious