thanks cranker. am a member of that site and reveiw it daily,pretty much all the names on that list have my cv,covering letter etc. ive even previously filled contracts with some of them. theres a couple on there that have never actually had any of the jobs theyve advertised,no idea what thats about,seems strange.theyre also the ones offering minimum wage for recognised qualifications worth four times as much,must be a scam going on in there somehow. am chasing a job in newark this week,though im surprised there isnt a polish lined up for there already,newark being newark..
As an employer myself (I'm 40)I find the best people to employ are the older ones. I would (and do) give jobs to people over 50 before I would give them to a 20 year old. In general this boils down to work attitude and ethic. Years ago people were brought up to believe in sayings such 'an honest days work for an honest days pay' , 'you get out what you put in'. Everyone had to work to provide. It's what had happened for generations and children grew up watching their parents and grandparents working and providing and this was instilled in them. Good work was rewarded, you started at the bottom and you worked your way up. The problem these days is unrealistic expectations from the youth of today. Being a manager was something that was to be aspired to, yet today everyone is a manager (or so they think!). Graduates walk out of university with a bit of paper and absolutely no experience and expect to walk into a 50k a year management job. Who in their right mind would give someone like that a job!?. They then turn down a job for £25k because they are over qualified and it's not enough money ( in their opinion ). I kid you not, I know of this happening all the time. Of course there are the decent hard working, realistic members of the younger generation and they are to be respected and nurtured, but from what I've seen they are becoming a rare commodity. We live in a 'have to it all now' world and this is what today's children grow up to see. They see people who don't work yet live decent lives at the expense of the hard workers and that you can have everything for doing nothing, it doesn't stack up well for the future. So to all of you who think you're past it and on the scrap heap, think again, your wealth of knowledge and experience, not to mention genuine desire to work is valued and wanted by many employers like me!.
deffo, i have gone for a couple of older lads for training, costs me a lot more but a lot less at the same time.