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Glastonbury on the BBC

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Chris, Jun 28, 2013.

  1. And williams will have the crowd sing 60% of the songs as well. Hope you git some brownie points for paying/taxi service/making appropriate 'thats nice' noises
  2. Saw Portishead last night which was fine right up til the cnd/trident/cameron/devil/cliche bit (yeah, we know!!!)

    Anyone see The Kills about 4-5 years ago - that WAS good

    Mick and Keef - why?
  3. At least we know their songs...
  4. The Stones just look a bit rock and roll ravished - as you'd expect them to.

    I think it's great that people a little shy of 70 have still got that energy and attitude. Not a paunch in sight.

    And they haven't half written (or at least stolen) some great tunes.
  5. What, the ragged old pirate doesnt have a paunch? Hell yeah he does! Keef been at the pies instead of coke?!

    But I still like em :upyeah:
  7. Jagger is exactly 20 years older than me.

    He is nearly 70. :frown:
    #27 clueless, Jun 29, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 29, 2013
  8. JO Wiley saves it...sexiest DJ ever?!
    • Like Like x 1
  9. ...better than watching yer dad dance!
  10. Yeah, I'll give you that the pirate has a little paunch. Mind you, healthwise, that's probably the last of his worries.

    He does look increasingly like a goblin, it is true.
  11. A bit of old school disco...........Chic pure class :smile:
  12. All about Kenny Rogers tonight :eek:
  13. Dizzy Rascal ( crap ) and Public Enema are not Glasto..

    Rolling Stones I love but last night ... Dear me Mick
  14. Loved Glasto when it was not commercial ticket lottery .
    I stayed their a week.
    We honked !
    it was magical.
    now it is commercial and lineups dire ..
    Chemical Brothers and The Orb always where fantastic
  15. Generally now, let's see if we can drag deep her for a few positives shall we? otherwise it's 'pass the razor blade' time for me again. Enjoyed a lot of the smaller group sets and there were many to choose from. Nothings the same anymore Melanie but anyone found another Planet yet? :)
  16. shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit

    also Wiley is a monster..and how the fekk did mark radcliffe (frank sidebottom) get a career in presenting?? his constant stuttering, and ssssttammering, and eerrr, errr, ugh, um huh, um errr, duh, mmm...

    So disappointing....for discerning punters glastonbury is a theme park of talentless drivel.
    #36 funkyrimpler, Jul 1, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2013
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  17. bit predictable funky but no, you carry on - get it out of your system mate..
  18. shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit, shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit, shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit, shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit, shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit, shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit, shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit, shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit, shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit, shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit, shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit, shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit,shit
    • Like Like x 1
  19. Your roses must be lovely.
    • Like Like x 1
  20. I know you're supposed to put it on your rhubarb as well but I always preferred custard with mine.
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