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Go And Get Your Psa Checked

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Jack Aubrey, Nov 15, 2023.

  1. Hope your recovery goes well. Got tested earlier in the year after watching an episode of Gone Fishing where they talked about it. Also got friends younger than me who have had prostate cancer and now fully recovered. Mine came back as clear.
    Like others on here I was asked why I was bothering at my age by my GP.
    In future I think I will pay privately.
    If we all lived long enough I’m led to believe we would all eventually get it.
    Micro plastics in our environment are one of our biggest enemies here.
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  2. I haven't laughed so much since last week, that was a hilarious post. Thanks mate
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  3. What meds do you take? PM if you prefer. I have prostate issues but have declined the TURP.
  4. This also isn't talked about much. I had a testicular cancer diagnosis a few years back, thankfully caught it early. After the surgery (supermono conversion :laughing:) I had the option of a round of chemo or 5 years surveillance, happy to say I've got 6 months surveillance left then I'll be officially discharged from the oncology unit.

    Open dialogue motivated you to get checked, thank you for continuing it!
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  5. I think you guys should talk health more
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  6. My ex storeman was diagnosed with prostate cancer following a completely unrelated blood test.
    He had some kind of radioactive seeding therapy, it sorted him out and he was back to work in 3 weeks or so. Still a unless, lazy twat, but back all the same.
    • Funny Funny x 3
  7. Thanks mate and glad to see that you are nearly there in terms of recovery, i think/hope that every conversation helps someone - it certainly did me.
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  8. I'm on the phone to my GP tomorrow asking for the test.

    I have a friend who's a GP (sadly not at my surgery) and he thinks it's a good idea.

    Thanks for raising. And wish you well with your recovery.
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  9. A friend who’s son is a doctor told him the important thing is to get regular yearly PSA tests. It’s not the reading that’s as important but the changes over time which show there’s a problem.
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  10. If you are having a blood test for anything ask the dr or nurse to add your psa, that’s what I did.
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  11. I've been having the annual PSA test for about 10 years or so now. Once my younger brother reached 50 I advised him to do the same. He got called back for a biopsy, details of that were inconclusive so he's now booked in for another deeper one under a general anaesthetic. It really is important guys.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  12. Moobs? I’m still like a bronze Viking God!

    • Funny Funny x 3
  13. I had prostate cancer about 10 years ago. Caught early. Removed by surgery ( Da Vinci machine). Recovered after a few weeks. I still have PSA blood tests 6 monthly. Very low level, but not zero so worth monitoring.
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  14. My next door neighbor eventually went for a PSA test after nagging from mates who decided to all go at the same time. Turns out he has prostate cancer and is being operated on next Wednesday. Nothing else needs adding!!
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  15. Glad to hear it's been caught, hopefully in time.
    It gives me proper rage that there's no regular screening for this! Even when requested there's resistance from the GPs.
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  16. Next week is the year anniversary of my prostate removal operation. A Davinci robot does all the work through six small slots in your six pack. One night in hospital then home with wee bag what they don’t tell you is that your six pack is now functioning as a one pack and you have no strength in your stomach to sit up or to move as long as the catheter remains open and functioning there are no other initial issues. Mine got blocked and it was as painful as that time when I decided to cut my toe nails with a scythe. So a year on and Mr Winkie needs help in tablet form to perform but other than a regular blood test no further problems. I was 56 and was offered other options but the operation was a no-brainier for me. Hope all goes well however you choose to proceed.
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  17. Mine was found in a medical when I was 45. Because of my age it was a very aggressive tumour. Had it removed then the cancer returned 11 years later. Weeks and weeks of radiotherapy, still get PSA tested twice a year. Ruined my life, but hey I'm still alive.
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  18. Men are appeasers. We say ‘let’s talk’ when really mean ‘ffs don’t talk to me about that!’
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