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Go And Get Your Psa Checked

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Jack Aubrey, Nov 15, 2023.

  1. Really? Ostrich job then?
  2. Err not really - I’ve done a home PSA test and it’s negative.
  3. If your nearby or happy to travel check this out

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  4. @Ducbird Many thanks for this notification. Hopefully some of our members will take this opportunity to find out one way or the other and even if positive it’s better that it is earlier than it otherwise would have been. When I was diagnosed the oncologist told me that they were achieving an 80% success rate and getting better all the time. So earlier is good.

    However the fact that firms such as this are benefiting from the reluctance of our fellow men to ask their GP for a test that the NHS provide FoC does rankle somewhat. I see that there is currently an add campaign running on the box at the moment encouraging guys to go and see their GP.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  5. I’ve just had an email from Prostate Cancer UK asking me to sign a letter to the government requesting a change to the NHS guidelines.

    Black men have double the risk of other men. And they're also more likely to be diagnosed at a later stage, when it's harder to treat. Despite this, NHS guidelines leave it up to men to check their risk and take action themselves irrespective of the known different risk levels due to ethnicity and family history.

    Our loved ones get regularly screened for breast cancer which is now running second to prostate cancer, so why not us? Please sign the letter and I would hope that if you meet any resistance from your GP to give you a PSA test you will put them straight in no uncertain terms.
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  6. Hopefully the Transform trial will come up with the best way to screen men

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  7. Signed and shared.
    We are not disposable.
  8. £26 for a test which is also available F.O.C. on the NHS? A bit steep ...
  9. I paid £12 for mine.

    Happy with that. No 2 week wait to see Dr, no 2 week wait after trust to get a blood test and no waiting after that to get the result.
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