Thanks I haven't got anything interesting to say so I won't be doing any commentary! I just want to make some fun little movies. Now I've got the software down I'll try and make something exciting.
cool cool, very flat down there. wheres the mountains and switchbacks. jump on the Manchester Scotland trip and bring it with you.
I don't venture north of the arctic circle, which I believe is located just above the a1 junction on the M25. I hate snow.
For a first attempt I thought that was great. My only criticism would be that you need some more corners. Its short with lots off different views and transitions keeping it interesting John
It's too windy in some places, also the music conceals poor riding and weak gear changes! If I can get out today I'll try again and I'll leave the music off.
I use the Nero software for mine. Not the greatest, but the price is very reasonable and the features are more than good enough for my needs. Shame my camera is broken
If you have a mac, try the Final Cut Pro X trial. It's brilliant. I'm tempted to try and find the money to buy a license for it.
Pretty good! Better than many of those fucking dull track day vids....10mins of tarmacadam whizzing by!
cancel that, i didn't set the sound right. i'll re-upload it with better sound. Please be aware this is a video of me riding on the road and not doing anything interesting. you fussy gits!
At least your leathers are smart Tom ! ( unlike old scruffy Brad ) ! . Them hero blobs need to see some action !