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Good Muslims v. Bad Muslims?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Pete1950, May 25, 2013.

  1. Is it worth the risk i ask! How many virgins is allah talikng about ? lol
  2. 72!!! wheres the semtex i'll have some of that lol
  3. But it didn't used to be that way and that is my point. Christianity in this country has evolved, largely in the face of indisputable scientific reasoning which is passed on through decent education. Look at the Roman Catholic church. It's no surprise to me that the latest pope is from South America. The backwards millions over there are still daft enough to believe the drivel that is handed down to them. Thousands recently flocked to pay homage to a water stain on a church window as it resembled the face of Jesus. Come on. These retards actually believed that the son of the being that created the entire universe had decided to make an appearance as a smear on a window. And the Vatican deployed an envoy to validate it. I can laugh at it because I know how stupid it is, but when it is all that you know then it must be true.
  4. Yes in full agreement with you. Look at the fairy tale that is creation. You can guarantee that if the guys writing Genesis had known about dinosaurs, or at least understood what the fossils really were, then we would have had T Rex in the garden of eden somewhere. But they didn't know, so they didn't put them in there. How come god didn't mention it when he told about how he made the world in seven days. And dinosaurs don't figure in the creation stories of any other religions that came in to being before man understood about them. Religious leaders now try to brush it off as the bible shouldn't be taken literally, or they just deny the existence of dinosaurs. Laughable.
  5. I don't find it tough. The atheists I know don't find it tough. It's just reality. It's no tougher than knowing that water boils at 100 degrees and freezes at 0. It makes living your life easier. There's no second chances. No redemption. Make the most of this life, it's the only one you'll get. Don't rely on screwing up, but what the heck, I'll just come back as a dog and try harder next time. And what a crock of controlling bullshit - be good, don't break the law, and you'll get to be happy for ever in heaven. I find it insulting that those with faith can believe that you can only have morals and behave well if you believe in the supernatural. How many have been killed in the name of atheism?

    I'm going to become a fully paid up atheist fundamentalist and kill as many god believers as I can, safe in the knowledge that when I'm gone I will be rewarded for eternity with my atoms eventually floating around the universe aimlessly. Actually that sounds pretty lame. Shagging virgins sounds like more fun. Now where did I put that back pack?
  6. Dear all,

    What happened in Woolwich was unforgivable and totally unacceptable.
    However this is a motorbike forum and that's what it should stay.
    I come to this site to feed my passion for Ducati.
    I think most will agree.
    Sorry but had to be said.
  7. That's a fair point of view. But other people just like discussing things with different people, And at least these people have one thing in common - a love for Ducati. But that may be all that some people do have in common here.

    The Lounge is the bit where we discuss anything we fancy - it's a virtual pub without the beer (though at some times of night, not so sure about the last bit).

    So not a good place to visit if you want to stick to bikes. Still, it's easy enough to avoid.
  8. Sorry bud,

    I tend to look at the new post and so much non bike activity has been shown recently.

    I wasn't aware of the different areas.

    Thanks for the info.

  9. No worries.

    You can either click on the What's New button and avoid all the threads that fall into the category Lounge, or you can click on the Forum button and just choose the areas that interest you.

    The Lounge threads appear quite a lot in What's New as they attract many posts and are constantly being updated, this owing to the fact that it's a lot easier to talk bollocks than contribute something useful to a valid bike-related question.

    A lot of the Lounge threads are just an excuse for banter and amusement, others get a bit lairier.
  10. Look at the lounge area as a pub. But obviously a pub without Muslims in it. :smile:
  11. Is there any place for religion in the modern world?

    Back in the day, when people rarely ventured outside their town, never mind country, it would have been so much easier to control how they dressed, ate, drunk, behaved, but the entire world is laid bare for all to see at the click of a mouse today. I can't see how any religion can survive undiluted.

    Not that it matters to me; I worked out at a very early age that living your life according to an imaginary person in a book was a stupid thing to do.
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  12. OH MY GOD I'm bored -- --- wait I dont bileive .
  13. If god rides a bike ;0 ?
  14. I reckon he rides a Harley, all those beardy-weirdies do.
  15. He certainly doesn't ride a Ducati. The people who post on this forum seem to be committed atheists with just the odd agnostic thrown in.
  16. I don't know, owning them can seem like you need the patience of Job at times!
  17. Amen to that:frown:
  18. yes, it's a shame that sometimes posts come over as 'spoiling for a fight' even when no-one has even posed a challenge. Some people need something to believe in, and when close to death many can change their thinking. I've come across old folk who would never even tell you they were Religious unless you grilled them (jokes to follow) and as long as they are not hurting anyone else I really can't see the harm in it.
  19. That's the crux of the matter. Religion hurts, and has done for centuries. There's no way I'll put my name to a cause that is prepared to kill in order to appease an imaginary being.
  20. There are good and bad people in every nationality and every religion. Being a Muslim just seems, to me, that they have the God given right to go to the extreme. These guy's were not the full shilling. Let's all be nice to each other thats all it will take to make a better world.
    I had my John Lennon glasses on when I wrote that.

    Regards Steve
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