plus apostacy (the order to murder those who leave the love and support of their inherited religion), not to mention a few thousand other abhorations... luckily though, islam is a religion of long as youre on their side and question nothing.
genital mutilation is NOT illegal..religion uses the GOOJF card if required....ask any bloke who had his foreskin cut off when he was a child. incidentally, historically this was performed by a rabbi with a piece of sharp stone, the foreskin was then removed with the mouth...i hope you find this as disgusting as i do. gross discrimination of women and homosexuals: this is written in the rule book, and we are still debating gay marriage in our civilised society today. in the islamic world 50% of the population dont have access to education, or if they do, then they have almost no chance of a career. even in dubai, you never see an arab woman working anywhere..theyre all at home doing as theyre told...and the trick is, theyve brainwashed the women to keep each other in check. there is no choice 'freedom of choice' in anything for the religious fundaMENTAList...a so called extremist is only following the letter of the law in the rule book. women have no say in whom they marry or date..try getting it on with a muslim girl and explain her freedom of choice to the brothers and cousins that are trying to educate you with a lump of wood. there is no freedom of choice for dress...some 'moderates' have relented in the west but modesty is strictly asian girl who shows a bit of leg is often branded a slag or whore... you simply cant reason with a deeply religious person because you are restricted to using logic and reason (the enemies of religion as quoted by Martin Luther King) against magic and myth...or, as i like to call it...bullshit, lies and manipulation.
It's true that reason and evidence does not persuade people to give up cherished nonsensical beliefs. However if they claim their religion requires them to be kind, generous, self-sacrificing, and helpful (as some do), it may be possible to use this to persuade them to be less vindictive and oppressive in practice. Sometimes.
"genital mutilation is NOT illegal..religion uses the GOOJF card if required....ask any bloke who had his foreskin cut off when he was a child. incidentally, historically this was performed by a rabbi with a piece of sharp stone, the foreskin was then removed with the mouth...i hope you find this as disgusting as i do." Female genital Mutilation IS Illegal It is also illegal for british residents to have it done to there child anywhere in the world
Child genital mutilation is not illegal for boys. It is theoretically illegal for girls, but not one single case has ever been prosecuted in Britain even though there are hundreds of offences each year. Even when full details of such offences are supplied to the police, they refuse to take any action at all.
it possibly could mount to ABH if not done by medical personel but this was on the radio the other day and not one case ever prosecuted
Muslims killing people of other religions in the name of Islam is nothing new. The current Mrs.Plug's maternal ancestors were Mashadi Jews living in Iran. The Mashadi Jews were and still are great business people,they used to travel up and down the silk road buying and selling anything and everything. They lived and practiced their religion for many years without problems but eventually the local's were stirred up by militants and attacks started.Eventually they were all forcibly converted to islam on pain of death. What they did was give the appearance of being good muslims but behind closed doors continued to be jews. The house's they lived in were all joined together and they could move from house to house without going out on to the street and nobody outside could see what they got up to. Mrs Plug's grandfather,great grandfather and various other family members even made a Hajj to Mecca to keep the locals from getting suspicious.( The shit would have hit the fan big style if that had gone wrong)!! Even with them all being good muslims, at various time's the locals would turn up and burn out and murder them when they felt like it. Eventually things got too dangerous and her family ancestors made a hajj to Jerusalem and never went back.
yes, female genital mutilation is illegal...but thats because its not in the rule book..if it was then they'd use the GOOJF card again. it is considered barbaric, yet hacking at a baby boys penis with a scalpel or blunt stone is ok...funny that.
I assume most Rabbis etc. are not qualified medical personnel. Huge double standards in practice here. Why no prosecutions?
it did go into reasons but I cant remember it just amazing in this day and age... dock a dogs tail - get prosecuted chop a neighbours sons foreskin off - zilch
If the pretence kept the locals from getting suspicious, and they were all perceived as "good Muslims", what went wrong to the extent that other locals murdered some of them and the survivors left the country / area for ever? A sad tale, but substitute "Muslim" and "Iran" for any other country / religion, and I'm sure there will be similar examples of atrocities committed at some point over the last 2,000 years.
coz its their religion and no one can touch it...the rule of god out trumps petty man made laws i think...
I didn't think religious issues trumped the laws of the land in our country. Anyone care to add fact based feedback?
ill have a go... if I burn the koran and shout DIE I go to jail for life if they burn the bible and shout DIE they go home to party lol...of course im kidding
I just think that too much money and resources are spent on pandering to religious groups of all persuasions rather than on the fundamentals of education, healthcare etc.