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Good Muslims v. Bad Muslims?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Pete1950, May 25, 2013.

  1. My opinion is that you are correct.
  2. what i was saying is that many people of religion claim that they do not recognise the 'law of man' because they answer to a 'higher power' and the rule of *insert religion here*
  3. You are correct about boys. There is no theory involved in female mutilation it is illegal. Police are not reluctant to prosecute. The difficulties lie in being told about it first and getting enough evidence.The nature of the community it takes place in makes investigation almost impossible for many reasons. I can tell you that all cases are investigated robustly whether a prosecution results thats another story
  4. In France, for example, dozens or hundreds of cases are prosecuted each year, and investigations are robust. In the UK the police have never brought a single case even though the evidence that thousands of appalling crimes have taken place is incontrovertible. The victims are only muslim girls so who is bothered? Presumably the normal levels of incompetence, negligence, bias, and unfairness apply. If some act is against the law but nobody is ever prosecuted, it is fair to say it is only theoretically illegal.
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  5. France is a proudly secular country - it's really enshrined in their ethos, which is why there was all the hoo-ha about banning the veil from the classroom. They are pretty down on religion of every stripe.

    This is not the case in Britain with CofE the official religion. I don't think France even has an official religion. They are all iffy.
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  6. Robespierre tried introducing the Cult of the Supreme Being in 1794, but it was soon dropped.
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  7. and yet the english despise the french..take a leaf out of their book i say (perhaps alex could translate that into french for us).
  8. I see Choudray has just had the police to help to move him and his family to a place of safety........Now the sandal is on the other foot, he wants State protection.

    ........it beggars belief..........or does it?
  9. They all like the protection/financial support that the system gives them when it suits them.

    It does beggar belief.
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