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Goodbye and thanks for all the fish (Douglas Adams - Hitchhikers Guide)

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by viewdvb, May 28, 2012.

  1. Find it great you folks with the artificial hips can still swing the leg over! 30 years ago your riding days would have been over. Great technology! Best hip on the Market! JRI Furlong with ceramic on ceramic bearings, cement less hip with hydroxy-apatite coating for quick osteo integration!
    Brilliant solution for young patients as yourselves! Good luck with the operations!
  2. I've had to do the kung-fu flick on most bikes, needed a small step on my GS (or so my mates thought when they presented me one at a local bike meet!) and the Numpty I had (old style) was just as bad. Back to sports bikes, its easier!
  3. Don't you just wonder about your mates sometimes?! :rolleyes:


    Fritz....are you 'in the trade'? What's your recommendation for artificial knee joints? Forum discount?? lol
    The surgery I had last Oct was a temporary fix for my knackered knee (I'm too young for a replacement yet.....:eek:...yes, really! lol)
  4. jesus,sounds more suited to a bike repair than to a human. can i quote that to my surgeon without him saying 'that'll be £6000 please?' lol
  5. Aware this thread is ageing a little but one of the problems of "mounting" the Multi is the height of the pillion saddle-unless one uses the straight leg method. Has anyone lowered the height of the pillion seat ( believe difficult due to the underlying frame) or fitted a "tail tidy" to replace.
  6. Well thats it for me for this season. Bike minted throughout , sorned & from tomoz, living in my conservatory. Gutted to be missing the tale end of summer but a nice new shiny hip beckons . Try not to make me to jelous with riding tales.
    Not a happy bunny
  7. Good luck with the Op, mate.
  8. Hope all goes well, my dad's had both done over the last 3 years.

    Don't worry it will be raining again by the weekend!
  9. Ha yes think I started that........... 48 years old average or thereabouts
  10. kinda hope so (being mean) as my mates are organising a weekend rd trip. gutted isn't the word! only been out of hospital 1 day & bored to tears already.
  11. Well sounds like you're already on the mend! now remember, easy does it when getting on/ off the loo, no bicycling and keep the mrs on top for a while, then you'll soon be swinging that leg over you're mutley! :upyeah:
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