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Grass On Somebody Today....

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Matt1290, Sep 7, 2014.

  1. Then you know a few knobs :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. i was almost a knob yesterday.:Shifty:, made a couple of attempts to pass a fiat panda yesterday while the driver was texting, he was all over the place coming in to callander and sure as shit there was two biker cops sitting in the village, just couldn't bring my self to do it
  3. You'd have been done for driving without due care. You are meant to watch the road, not someone on their phone ;)
  4. i couldn't help it officer i was checking out his bird.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. You are far better off not putting a number plate on.
    The amount of times my number plate has fallen off this year (4 times involving various heat/vibration/stiffness issues) and yet not even my collar felt, due to fact that the feds have no money for patrolling anything other than busy cities/motorways.
    False number plates as has been pointed out is a much bigger no-no.
  6. Sat behind a car on my way home last night at the traffic lights in the town centre. Window down, all the rubbish thrown out onto the pavement, i feckin hate that. Broad daylight, lots of traffic and pedestrians, scumbags. I thought, hmmmm a dash cam would be good right now and then realised, no, i doubt anyone would take any action against them anyway.
  7. you could be right - it's first introduction could be to obtain a premium discount, particularly relevant for 'just passed test' drivers.
  8. Think its Russia, hence all the youtube videos, you have to have a cam in the car. Its coming...
  9. as used by the same people who think POLITE hi viz vests are acceptable
    • Like Like x 3
  10. I have a Dashcam in my works van, it has helped me out a couple of times and in one incident provided footage of a blind idiot pulling out in the path of a bikethat sent the rider over the bonnet.
    Driver denied it was his fault and the bike was speeding etc all the usual guff. Camera showed it was his fault entirely. he didn't even slow down at the junction.
  11. Id just like to say ( and this is straight from the horses mouth ) if you got alledgedly caught for going over 20mph in one of these new "Zones" itll never stand up in court, the fact that councils are putting them up in the form of signs and painted on the roads doesn't matter one bit. Its not been passed as a law. From the horses mouth? - my wifes cousin's other half is a traffic cop, he laughed it off, said it was a complete waste of time. In fact he doesn't really talk about work when I see him, cant remember how we got on the subject but he mentioned it to me. He said people have tried to do exactly what you've said and report people for breaking the "20mph speed limit" and they've told them - we cant do a thing about it....

    The thing I find funny is that they always complain about having no money to do anything but fuck me - those signs went up pretty sharpish - theres hundreds of them around Bristol.

    And just to add even he said he's been behind people that are doing over 20 in a 20 zone and they either don't even bother pulling them or if they do he just politely asks them to keep it down and even then he only does that if theyre driving is bad....
    #31 comfysofa, Sep 10, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2014
  12. It depends on the 20 zone. If it there is TRO in place for it and it is marked with a round, red bordered terminal Signs in compliance with legislation then it is a 20 limit until you reach the end of it. Sign can be a metal one on a post or an illuminating one for those with time restrictions near schools etc.

    Any speed restriction below the National Limit for a particular road has to have a TRO from the Home Office before it can be enforced so a 40 or 50 zone on an A Road or a 30 zone without a system of streetlights needs a TRO, even a temp restriction in roadworks.

    Any TRO in place can be requested from the Council and as they are public Docs they will give you a copy. (Always worth checking if you get a speeding ticket close to a Terminal Sign as they aren't always planted on the exact start of the restriction as defined in a TRO, people have got off)

    Some signs are advisory but some will get you points.

    Dashcams in a car or van can't be used to report someone for speeding.

    To comply with law a police officer or a person 'authorised by the Chief Constable' (man in a camera van) have to form an opinion you are speeding and then corroborate it. Corroboration is either an approved device like a hand held laser or camera device, follow check at a constant distance, a 'Time over Distance Device' like a Vascar or Police Pilot or the opinion of a second police officer. On a Motorway all that is needed is the opinion of an officer, nothing else.

    A random piece of film from sme guys dashcam won't even be considered. As posted further up the thread a video can however be used as material evidence support of a prosecution for careless or Dangerous driving etc.
    #32 Captain Swoop, Sep 10, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2014
  13. Well, id disagree - he's the copper....he stated that its not law....and that's that. I am inclined to believe him as he's been a copper for the last 15 years - firearms initially but traffic for the last 7 or so...
  14. You can believe him, I can show you the primary legislation and also put you on to the opinions of several serving officers in traffic who enforce them.

    There are two different things. 20 'Zones' and 20 'Limits'
    A 20mph zone requires traffic calming measures in the form of for example speed humps, chicanes, repeater speed limit signs or roundel road markings at regular intervals.

    20 Limits require Terminal Signs and regular repeater Signs.

    Both have to have a TRO (Traffic Regulation Order) in place as do any restrictions other than NSL zones.
    A TRO is applied for by the Council and is imposed by the Home Office.

    Legislation is here The Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002 No. 3113

    Both Zones can be enforced and if convicted you will get points.

    Best place to find out is FightBack Forums

    Ask on here, it's a board specializing in helping people with traffic offences.
    Advice given by serving and ex officers and Lawyers with Motoring Law experience.
    • Like Like x 1
  15. I'm happy to obey speed restrictions in residential areas etc. However I reserve the right to thrash the nuts of my bikes everywhere else.
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  16. Fair enough - you've done the research - ive just listened to him - ill tell him - see what he says although I don't see him that often...
  17. Getting somebody nicked for speeding would be tricky, especially as a decent lawyer could tear it down on the simple notion of calibration. Drivers using a mobile on the other hand, let the prosecutions begin!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. It's more than calibration as two police officers can form an opinion and you get a ticket, one corroborates the other. You aren't charged with a speed you are charged with exceeding the limit. Actual speed comes in when sentenced to set the level of punishment. To get anything above the minimum 3 points there would have to be some kind of calibrated corroboration 'secondary check' like a laser, or speedo on a 'follow check' Gatso Cameras actually use a radar to check the speed and take a photo, the second photo is the 'secondary check' as the number of lines crossed on the road between the two pictures gives the speed.

    Other offences like mobile phones, crossing solid lines, careless driving etc can be prosecuted if a complaint is made to the police, they will use the film in support if they think it is worth pursuing. Most of the time an offender will get a request to identify the driver but unless it is something outrageous they won't follow it up.
  19. This is about a dash mounted cam though, not a properly calibrated police unit
  20. That's what I meant. a Dash Camera is no good for speeding.
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