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Great lyrics in songs.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Lucazade, Jan 25, 2014.

  1. I'd be really pleased to meet you if I could remember your name
    But I got problems of the memory ever since I got a winner in the fame game
    I'm a citizen of Legoland travellin' incommunicado
    And I don't give a damn for the Fleet Street afficionados

    But I don't want to be the backpage interview
    I don't want launderette anonymity
    I want my handprints in the concrete on Sunset Boulevard
    A dummy in Tussauds you'll see
    Incommunicado, incommunicado, incommunicado, incommunicado

    I'm a Marquee veteran, a multi-media bonafide celebrity
    I've got an allergy to Perrier, daylight and responsibility
    I'm a rootin-tootin cowboy, the Peter Pan, the street credibility
    Always taking the point with the dawn patrol fraternity

    Sometimes it seems like I've been here before when I hear opportunity kicking in my door
    Call it synchronicity call it Deja Vu I just put my faith in destiny -- it's the way that I choose

    But I don't want to be a tin can tied to the bumper of a wedding limousine
    Or currently residing in the where are they now file a toupet on the cabaret scene
    I want to do adverts for American Express cards talk shows on prime time TV
    A villa in France, my own cocktail bar and that's where you're gonna find me

    Incommunicado, incommunicado, incommunicado, incommunicado

    Sometimes it seems like I've been here before when I hear opportunity kicking in my door
    Call it synchronicity call it Deja Vu I just put my faith in destiny -- it's the way that I choose

    Incommunicado, incommunicado, incommunicado, incommunicado
    It's the only way
    Incommunicado, incommunicado, incommunicado, incommunicado
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  2. "Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to introduce the next president of the United States, Mr Joe Wash !" "Yeah, yeah... appreciate your vote... and here is an industrial love song". I have a mansion but forget the price, Ain't never been there, they tell me its nice, I live in hotels, tear out the walls, I have accountants pay for it all...They say I'm crazy but I have a have a good time, I'm just looking for clues at the scene of the crime, Life's been good to me so far...My Maseratti does one-eighty-five, I lost my license, now I don't drive, I have a limo, ride in the back, I lock the doors in case I'm attacked... I'm making records, my fans they can't wait, They write me letters, tell me I'm great, So I got me an office, gold records on the wall, Just leave a message, maybe I'll call... Lucky I'm sane after all I've been through, I can't complain but sometimes I still do, Life's been good to me so far...I go to parties sometimes until four, It's hard to leave when you can't find the door, It's tough to handle this fortune and fame, Everybody's so different, I haven't changed... They say I'm lazy but it takes all my time, I keep on goin' guess I'll never know why, Life's been good to me so far...
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  3. Echoes of the Broadway Everglades,
    With her mythical madonnas still walking in their shades:
    Lenny Bruce, declares a truce and plays his other hand.
    Marshall McLuhan, casual viewin', head buried in the sand.

    Sirens on the rooftops wailing, but there's no ship sailing.
    Groucho, with his movies trailing, stands alone with his punchline failing.
    Klu Klux Klan serve hot soul food and the band plays 'In the Mood'
    The cheerleader waves her cyanide wand, there's a smell of

    Peach blossom and bitter almonde.
    Caryl Chessman sniffs the air and leads the parade, he know in a scent,
    You can bottle all you made.
    There's Howard Hughes in blue suede shoes, smiling at the majorettes
    smoking Winston cigarettes.
    And as the song and dance begins, the children play at home
    With needles; needles and pins.
    #43 Chris, Jan 26, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
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  4. Buddy Holly

    All my life I've been kissing
    your top lip coz the bottom ones missing
    oh boy

    that's what I always hear anyway:biggrin:
  5. Song she sang to me, Song she brang to me, Words that rang in me

    Beautiful mangling of English by American Mr Diamond
  6. Diamond's lyrics are shite.

    "I am, I said, to no one there, and no one heard at all, not even the chair"

    "River runs on down, nothin'll keep it from where its bound, new grown plums are blue, honey it's natural, I love you"

    "It's the song of the cars, on their furious flights, but there's even romance, in the way that they dance, to the beat of the lights"

    "The morning sun is shining, like a red rubber ball"

  7. And I'll bet Caroline was a right bitch, not sweet at all
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  8. Gordon is a Moron, Jilted John.... Genius!! To me anyhow...
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  9. this is a great song, played at the wake of a friend of mine by his request. Unfortunately cannot find a recording of the full track online (Dave Edmunds Reader's wives) which is surprising as it's pretty tame by today's standards (possibly blocked by the artist).

    Well If you like your women short or tall
    You like your girlfriends big or small
    Just cruise on down to the corner stand
    Give your money to the man!
    A mugger carries a couple of knives
    All I wanna do is look at readers wives.

    There's big blonde Betty, really nifty
    She'll do a coach party for twelve dollars fifty.
    ********* look far and near
    For little Maria who'll do it for a beer.
    The old man watches and the young man jives
    All I wanna do is look at readers wives.

    Some girls look like their just plain gifted
    Others look like they're trained weightlifters
    Little one stands at four foot three
    While the big ones start at 44D.
    Quick, give me some coffee 'fore the police arrive
    I only came out to look at readers wives.

    So If you like your women short or tall
    You like your girlfriends big or small
    Just cruise on down to the corner stand
    Give your money to the man!
    A mugger carries a couple of knives
    All I wanna do is look at readers wives.

    The old man watches and the young man jives
    All I wanna do is look at readers wives.
  10. Wanna tell you a story, about a woman I know... When it comes to loving, Mmmm she steals the show... Ain't exactly pretty, ain't exactly small... 42 39 56, you could say she's got it all ! (Angus ! Angus ! Angus !)
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  11. Ah yes, Whole lotta Rosie AC/DC. Classic! One of the first singles I ever bought. 12" vinyl ep if I remember correctly. Great days.... Smoking fags, drinking sherry from refill lemonade bottles, FS1E's.... shootin yer load after 6 strokes... And doing it again 5 minutes later..... Oh yes, great days indeed...
  12. Stiff Little Fingers

    At The Edge

    Back when I was younger they were talking at me
    Never listened to a word I said
    Always yap, yap, yapping and complaining at me
    Made me think I'd be better off dead
    I don't want to talk about it
    I don't want to hear no lip
    Take your share, don't shout about it
    That's your lot, remember you're a kid
    They would always teach me that to swear was a sin
    Always speak your mind but not aloud
    Think of something that you want to do with your life
    Nothing that you like, that's not allowed
    I've no time to talk about it
    All your stupid hopes and dreams
    Get your feet back on the ground, son
    It's exams that count not football teams
    And I'm running at the edge of their world
    They're criticising something they just can't understand
    Living on the edge of their town
    And I won't be shot down
    Taught me to defend myself and to be a man
    How to kick someone and run away
    Gave me everything that any young man could need
    But don't understand why I won't stay
    Here's your room and here's your records
    Here's your home and here you'll stay
    Here's somewhere I don't believe in
    Wish someone would take it all away
    And I'm running at the edge of their world
    They're criticising something they just can't understand
    Living on the edge of their town
    And I won't be shot down
  13. Warren Zevon - Excitable Boy

    Well, he went down to dinner in his Sunday best
    Excitable boy, they all said
    And he rubbed the pot roast all over his chest
    Excitable boy, they all said
    Well, he's just an excitable boy

    He took in the four a.m. show at the Clark
    Excitable boy, they all said
    And he bit the usherette's leg in the dark
    Excitable boy, they all said
    Well, he's just an excitable boy

    He took little Suzie to the Junior Prom
    Excitable boy, they all said
    And he raped her and killed her, then he took her home
    Excitable boy, they all said
    Well, he's just an excitable boy
    After ten long years they let him out of the home
    Excitable boy, they all said
    And he dug up her grave and built a cage with her bones
    Excitable boy, they all said
    Well, he's just an excitable boy
    WALTZING MATILDA And the Band Played Waltzing Matilda Cords
    When I was a young man I carried my pack
    And I lived the free life of a rover
    From the Murrays green basin to the dusty outback
    I waltzed my Matilda all over
    Then in nineteen fifteen my country said Son
    It's time to stop rambling 'cause there's work to be done
    So they gave me a tin hat and they gave me a gun
    And they sent me away to the war
    And the band played Waltzing Matilda
    As we sailed away from the quay
    And amidst all the tears and the shouts and the cheers
    We sailed off to Gallipoli
    How well I remember that terrible day
    How the blood stained the sand and the water
    And how in that hell that they called Suvla Bay
    We were butchered like lambs at the slaughter
    Johnny Turk he was ready, he primed himself well
    He chased us with bullets, he rained us with shells
    And in five minutes flat he'd blown us all to hell
    Nearly blew us right back to Australia
    But the band played Waltzing Matilda
    As we stopped to bury our slain
    We buried ours and the Turks buried theirs
    Then we started all over again
    Now those that were left, well we tried to survive
    In a mad world of blood, death and fire
    And for ten weary weeks I kept myself alive
    But around me the corpses piled higher
    Then a big Turkish shell knocked me arse over tit
    And when I woke up in my hospital bed
    And saw what it had done, I wished I was dead
    Never knew there were worse things than dying
    For no more I'll go waltzing Matilda
    All around the green bush far and near
    For to hump tent and pegs, a man needs two legs
    No more waltzing Matilda for me
    So they collected the cripples, the wounded, the maimed
    And they shipped us back home to Australia
    The armless, the legless, the blind, the insane
    Those proud wounded heroes of Suvla
    And as our ship pulled into Circular Quay
    I looked at the place where my legs used to be
    And thank Christ there was nobody waiting for me
    To grieve and to mourn and to pity
    And the band played Waltzing Matilda
    As they carried us down the gangway
    But nobody cheered, they just stood and stared
    Then turned all their faces away
    And now every April I sit on my porch
    And I watch the parade pass before me
    And I watch my old comrades, how proudly they march
    Reliving old dreams of past glory
    And the old men march slowly, all bent, stiff and sore
    The forgotten heroes from a forgotten war
    And the young people ask, "What are they marching for?"
    And I ask myself the same question
    And the band plays Waltzing Matilda
    And the old men answer to the call
    But year after year their numbers get fewer
    Some day no one will march there at all
    Waltzing Matilda, Waltzing Matilda
    Who'll come a waltzing Matilda with me
    And their ghosts may be heard as you pass the Billabong
    Who'll come-a-waltzing Matilda with me?
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  15. There was a thick set man with frog eyes
    Who was standing at the door
    And a little bald man with wing-nut ears
    Was waiting in the car
    Well, Robert Moore passed the frog-eyed man
    As he walked into the bar
    And Betty Coltrane she jumped under her table
    "What's your pleasure?" asked the barman
    He had a face like boiled meat
    "There's a girl called Betty Coltrane
    That I have come to see"
    "But I ain't seen that girl 'round here
    For more than a week"
    And Betty Coltrane she had hid beneath the table
    Well, then in came a sailor with
    Mermaids tattooed on his arms
    Followed by the man with the wing-nut ears
    Who was waitin' in the car
    Well, Robert Moore sensed trouble
    He'd seen it comin' from afar
    And Betty Coltrain she gasped beneath the table
    Well, the sailor said, "I'm looking for my wife
    They call her Betty Coltrain"
    The frog-eyed man said, "That can't be
    That's my wife's maiden name"
    And the man with the wing-nut ears said
    "Hey, I married her back in Spain"
    And Betty Coltrain crossed herself beneath the table
    Well, Robert Moore stepped up and said
    "That woman is my wife"
    And he drew a silver pistol
    And a wicked bowie knife
    And he shot the man with the wing-nut ears
    Straight between the eyes
    And Betty Coltrain, she moaned under the table
    Well, the frog-eyed man jumped at Robert Moore
    Who stabbed him in the chest
    And as Mister Frog-eyes died he said
    "Betty, you're the girl that I loved best"
    Then the sailor pulled a razor
    Robert blasted it to bits
    "And Betty, I know you're under the table"
    "Well, have no fear," said Robert Moore
    "I do not want to hurt you"
    "Never a woman did I love me
    Half as much as you
    "You're the blessed sun, the meek girl
    And you are the sacred moon"
    And Betty shot his legs out from under the table
    Well, Robert Moore went down heavy
    With a crash upon the floor
    And over to his trashin' body
    Betty Coltrain she did crawl
    She put the gun to the back of his head
    And pulled the trigger once more
    And blew his brains out all over the table
    Well, Betty stood up and shook her head
    And waved the smoke away
    Said, "I'm sorry Mr. Barman
    To leave your place this way"
    As she emptied out their wallets she said
    "I'll collect my severance pay"
    Then she winked and threw a dollar on the table
    #55 Mc Tool, Jan 28, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2014
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  16. Armalite, street lights, nightsights... Searching the roofs for a sniper, a viper, a fighter... Death in the shadows he'll maim you, he'll wound you, he'll kill you... For a long forgotten cause, on not so foreign shores, Boys baptised in wars... Morphine, chill scream, bad dream... Serving as numbers on dogtags, flakrags, sandbags... Your girl has married your best friend, loves end, poison pen... Your flesh will always creep, tossing turning sleep... The wounds that burn so deep... Your mother sits on the edge of the world, When the cameras start to roll... Panoramic viewpoint resurrects the killing fold... Your father drains another beer, he's one of the few that cares... Crawling behind a Saracen's hull from the safety of his living room chair... Forgotten sons, forgotten sons, forgotten sons... And so as I patrol in the valley of the shadow of the tricolour, I must fear evil, for I am but mortal and mortals can only die... Asking questions, pleading answers from the nameless faceless watchers, That stalk the carpeted corridors of Whitehall... Who orders desecration, mutilation, verbal masturbation ? In the guarded bureaucratic wombs... Minister, minister care for your children, order them not into damnation... To eliminate those who would trespass against you... For whose is the kingdom, the power, the glory forever and ever, Amen... "Halt who goes there?" ... "Death" ... "Approach, friend"... You're just another coffin on its way down the emerald aisle... When your children's stony glances mourn your death in a terrorist's smile... The bomber's arm placing fiery gifts on the supermarket shelves... Alley sings as shrapnel detonates a temporary hell... Forgotten Sons... From the dole queue to the regiment a profession in a flash... But remember Monday signings when from door to door you dash... On the news a nation mourns you, unknown soldier, count the cost... For a second you'll be famous, forever posthumous... Forgotten sons, forgotten sons... Peace on earth and mercy mild, Mother Brown has lost her child... Just another - Forgotten Son...
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  17. It would be good if people said who the songs are by, as I don't know all of them by any means.
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  18. We got close to this, but we haven't yet had it, and we should have:

    Beasley St. - John Cooper Clarke.

    Far from crazy pavements -
    the taste of silver spoons
    A clinical arrangement
    on a dirty afternoon
    Where the fecal germs of Mr Freud
    are rendered obsolete
    The legal term is null and void
    In the case of Beasley Street

    In the cheap seats where murder breeds
    Somebody is out of breath
    Sleep is a luxury they don't need
    - a sneak preview of death
    Belladonna is your flower
    Manslaughter your meat
    Spend a year in a couple of hours
    On the edge of Beasley Street

    Where the action isn't
    That's where it is
    State your position
    Vacancies exist
    In an X-certificate exercise
    Ex-servicemen excrete
    Keith Joseph smiles and a baby dies
    In a box on Beasley Street

    From the boarding houses and the bedsits
    Full of accidents and fleas
    Somebody gets it
    Where the missing persons freeze
    Wearing dead men's overcoats
    You can't see their feet
    A riff joint shuts - opens up
    Right down on Beasley Street

    Cars collide, colours clash
    disaster movie stuff
    For a man with a Fu Manchu moustache
    Revenge is not enough
    There's a dead canary on a swivel seat
    There's a rainbow in the road
    Meanwhile on Beasley Street
    Silence is the code

    Hot beneath the collar
    an inspector calls
    Where the perishing stink of squalor
    impregnates the walls
    the rats have all got rickets
    they spit through broken teeth
    The name of the game is not cricket
    Caught out on Beasley Street

    The hipster and his hired hat
    Drive a borrowed car
    Yellow socks and a pink cravat
    Nothing La-di-dah
    OAP, mother to be
    Watch the three-piece suite
    When shit-stoppered drains
    and crocodile skis
    are seen on Beasley Street

    The kingdom of the blind
    a one-eyed man is king
    Beauty problems are redefined
    the doorbells do not ring
    A lightbulb bursts like a blister
    the only form of heat
    here a fellow sells his sister
    down the river on Beasley Street

    The boys are on the wagon
    The girls are on the shelf
    Their common problem is
    that they're not someone else
    The dirt blows out
    The dust blows in
    You can't keep it neat
    It's a fully furnished dustbin,
    Sixteen Beasley Street

    Vince the ageing savage
    Betrays no kind of life
    but the smell of yesterday's cabbage
    and the ghost of last year's wife
    through a constant haze
    of deodorant sprays
    he says retreat
    Alsations dog the dirty days
    down the middle of Beasley Street

    People turn to poison
    Quick as lager turns to piss
    Sweethearts are physically sick
    every time they kiss.
    It's a sociologist's paradise
    each day repeats
    On easy, cheesy, greasy, queasy
    beastly Beasley Street

    Eyes dead as vicious fish
    Look around for laughs
    If I could have just one wish
    I would be a photograph
    on a permanent Monday morning
    Get lost or fall asleep
    When the yellow cats are yawning
    Around the back of Beasley Street
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  19. Aaagha do do do do.......da da da to the left to the right..... etc, etc.

    Brings a tear to me eye.....
  20. Yeah ! me too ! ..... shuttup :tongue::biggrin:
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