Greetings from Kuwait

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by Dennis, Jan 31, 2013.

  1. Ok this is KILLING me... my pal is putting the hyper in his name... so another delay with his bank... they truly have NO CONCEPT of time!!! I go to work tomorrow for 4 days on base... HOPEFULLY when I get off we will go and pick her up... i am SOOOO ready to ride.
  2. About 20 years now she was there before the first gulf war, she is in education. Not a good driver so i hope you don't meet her on the road !
  3. LOL too funny mate. If she drives like she is a13 year old who was just given the keys and told "go drive" the she fits right in.... Lol wow pre Desert Storm... I bet she does have some stories to tell.... Well tell her if she sees a guy on a Hyper ... That's me.... Haven't seen another here... Lots of sports and super sports but not alot of super motor and no hypers. cheers
  4. Ok... here we go one more time..... was called by dealer and told bike was ready..... finally got the plates for it.. so i am leaving now almost a month later to go get her.... ill post some pix here this afternoon if i can figure out how..... LOL wish me luck....
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  5. Don't forget to post them in the right section otherwise the thread nazis get annoyed :wink:
  6. WOOOO freaking HOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! I am now the very proud owner of a 2012 Hypermotard 1100 EVO!!!!! OMG this thing has SOOOO much power!!!! WOW! This thing is like a ROCKET. Ok it is geared WAY to tall.... Im riding home i look down and it is at 165KPH... just kicking back relaxing..... I got it with 0.3 on the clock and am breaking it in "correctly" LOL sooooo many schools of thought on that... oh well loading pix to photobucket now... so ill post em soon....
  7. :-D
  8. [​IMG][​IMG]

    Here are the first pix of my baby,,,,, it is almost 0700 here and im getting ready to go ride... already 100km I know the gas tank is small .... wonder how far i can odd here... they park their bikes in the summer... it gets hot here but really only 47 to 50 MAX.... I never had to worry about that back home but had to deal with the cold.... LOL Woooo Hoooo Lets RIDE!!! Oh and to the Mod... if the pix are in the wrong place... apologies... please feel free to move... Thanks DWH
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  9. Your ok it's your thread you should be safe with your pics she says looking out the corner of her eye

    Enjoy your day and the sun
  10. LOL we will hope...:) thanks for all the support mates...:) Ill try to get yall some footage of riding in kuwait
  11. Fret ye not, Im not going to move these anywhere. As DB says, its your welcome thread so why would I want/need to move it. Lovely looking bike, looks like lots of fun :smile:
  12. Thanks Matt . This is a great group and an incredible bike...... About to go for a ride now... Can't seem to stay off it ... Hating the light sand dusting she has every time I go to ride.... But that's just desert life....
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  13. Oh my God what a great bike!!!!Sorry I have not been here posting... but ive been RIDING!!!!! WOW between work and riding... I havent had any time at all to be on here... The views here in Q8 are amazing...... still trying to figure out 3gear wheelies...LOL
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