Yeah, the battery is history. They only used it to power the water pump. I'm converting it back to thermosyphon so I can get rid of it.
Started to make some new parts, water outlet on top of the cylinder. I've also bushed out the clutch and brake lever and made some Ducati style hollow lever axle bolts.
Next is the water inlet. For routing purposes a 90 Deg fitting is required, which was in there but it faced the wrong way. Always a problem if you screw in such a fitting. The thread ends where it ends. I felt a banjo is best. Had to do a bit of working out so flow doesn't get restricted. The outlet of the radiator I'm using is 15 mm diameter so there's little point in going bigger. Making a banjo on the lathe was fun. I did enjoy that.
Off with the old and on with the new. The water system is taking shape. Chucked all the old stuff away as it wasn't really usable and started fresh. Had a busy couple of days machining all the parts. Less than half the weight which pleases me no end.