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Guilty pleasures, crimes against fashion..

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by philoldsmobile, Feb 27, 2013.

  1. i'm off to get myself some jammers then, ill keep the baggies for the weekend swims with the littlun
  2. There's a cracking joke there but I ain't making it! :biggrin:
  3. View attachment 12175
    My worst fashion faux pas ... Why did my parents like brown ?
    Brown flares :( I used to love to sing until my early 20s then got stage fright :)

    View attachment 12176
    Terrible to some ..
    But me at my happiest :)
    Modestly dressed for me in that era I have to say..

    Now I'm just a middle aged "oh my Goth" ... If I win the lottery I'm having all my fat sucked out !!!
    ( probably get put in burgers seeing as they can't use horse meat ).
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  4. In my early twenties I didn't cut my hair for almost 3 years, it was really curly, when pulled straight at the back it reached down past my arse, then I grew a beard as well, all big and bushy like. People at the local Pub used to call me Drunk Jesus!!! Got sick of it one weekend and shaved off my beard and got a haircut with a #5 clipper, no bastard recognised me, not even my mother!
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  5. NZ Dave above .... Love it :)
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  6. Yup.
  7. Tbh its one of the more forgivable crimes, as water being so much more dense than air, anyone can feel a notable improvement swimming in something tight fitting as opposed to baggy. Small children should never swim in baggies.

    They also eliminate the 'jump in pool, came to the surface nekkid' situation.
  8. Also beware when the man comes out with the net !!!!!
  9. In the words of Victor Meldrew " I don't belieeeeeeeve it".
  10. I am a crime against fashion every day :)
    And I don't care :)

    View attachment 12200

    Standard He11cat get up ( unless I am at work then I wear Docs and long trousers :) and long sleeved tops to hide my sleeve .

    I am a fashion disaster ...
    But I would rather just be me doing my own thing happily not hurting anyone
    I would not be a happy pixie with brown hair and one of those casual light " SuperDry" jackets everyone wears at the mo.
    Sorry .
  11. Nothing wrong with that. I hate dressing the way I think people would like rather than how I like. I'm just so sick of constantly trying to help and please others, its just not worth it.
  12. I think it's best to wear what you like and what your comfy with.
    a little while back when out with friends we got soaked in a rain storm.
    When I got back to theirs my friend got me some dry clothes.
    a long floaty skirt ( hippy style one) and a cream jumper.
    When I walked into the lounge the looks.
    i looked so uncomfy and so Alien .
    I have been told never to dress in that way again!
    since age 12 I have worn a strange array of clothes and affectionatley known as Pippi by some due to my long stripey socks.

    I once got to work ( in a bar) to find a friend at the bar in my yellow and black stripey socks ( thigh high) that my friends had stolen from my underwear draw :( disturbingly a 6ft tall bloke :(
    since a young age I wore short jeans and things like fishnets or stripey socks and big boots.
    Its a me thing.
    I still get gawped at !

    I have always been dont judge a book by its cover.
    The way I look often acts as a great filter for shallow idiots to be honest.
    If they don't want to talk to me because of how I look quite frankly I don't want to be bothered with someone like that :)
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  13. There's a woman at my work you sometimes dresses eccentrically. Sometimes she goes much further than that.

    She does come in for some ridicule but I'm impressed, both by her imagination and, even more so, her individuality and balls-out bravery.
  14. here you go He11 2013-03-04 13.38.24.jpg 2013-03-04 13.38.24.jpg

    2013-03-04 13.38.24.jpg
  15. The Zebra ones are they the furry pony skin ones?
    I had to be steered away from those and the leopard ones :)
    I had 15 pairs once but suddenly they ramped the price up.
    quality went down as well.
    I still have a pair of ancient old black steel toe capped ones.
    The quality of those are fantastic :)

    But do you wear long stripey socks with yours :)
  16. I had a pair of 27-hole Docs (oxblood, of course) with 'kick to kill' scrawled on the toecaps when I was at school. And I wondered why I got arrested every 5 minutes...
  17. Bad Figgy!!!!! Bad bad Figgy :)
  18. Yeah, that's pretty much what the cops used to say:biggrin:
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