I had a worn cut-off denim jacket with a big genuine Angles patch on the back........my mate's dad brought it back from the States in the mid 60s..... ........Somehow it didn't look quite right when riding an LD 150 Lambretta.... AL
I had matching zebra mini skirt years ago ... Is this some Ducati thing? Must have owned zebra print clothing
I have just seen an interesting look. 6ft tall easy . Red shoes , cerise pink tights / leggings .. Black mini skirt , patent red handbag with bows , little top. Shopping trolley tartan. Ash blonde hair done badly . Bunches. On a 6 ft tall 60 year old man in CEx games shop.
Not me, that's for sure. Have had a lazy day off today, so chilling on the sofa in a thick grey chunky jumper and my lambskin leather jeans. It's only a crime if someone sees it.
They aren't super shiny and skin tight, so it could be worse. They are however soft, and with the way leather stretches when warm its comfortable on my hip, where denim jeans are not. For comfortable wear its either these, or the nasty pair of super baggy trackie bottoms I've more or less lived in since the accident.
Tomorrow I will be rocking a pair of black lycra shorts......but I have a good excuse. I have a Physio appointment first thing in the morning, and am going directly to work afterwards. Lycra shorts are the only thing I can wear under my office trousers, but are still suitable for Physio.
Hell no... I'm an account manager (shirt and tie job) The lycra shorts actually worked well for the Physio too - their form fitting stretchy nature ment she could easily feel and see the joint and muscle movement through the material.