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Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ducbird, May 6, 2012.

  1. So Viv, IS IT a Vox AC30 ?
  2. Thats a cardboard box Viv.......def not an AC30 sadly......
  3. Lol it's inside the box
  4. #25 Imola, May 11, 2012
    Last edited: May 11, 2012
  5. I have one of the Mexico Road Worn Strats, Still a lousy player though!
  6. So have you sold the guitar then Viv ?
  7. Edited for you Viv!
  8. No I havnt are you interested?
  9. No, I have too many already, but could keep an ear to the ground...how much do you want for it ?
  10. My Fender Strat

    Fender strat.jpg
  11. That looks splendid!

    While we're doing guitar pix: my Les Paul, Strat, Casino


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