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Guy Martin attempts UK bicycle speed record Ch4 Sunday 29th 8pm

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by rhubarb and custard, Dec 28, 2013.

  1. Is there anyway to watch this online, is there a series or something? I so rarely watch TV, I just can't keep up and prefer to watch online.
  2. Speed with Guy Martin - 4oD - Channel 4
  3. Dont like him really as he is a bit of a cock who would of loved to of been born as Fred Dibnahs son. He is what you call a nearly man but not quite ;-#0
  4. fred dibnah...
    he was an interesting bloke who was a grafter.
    love his shows
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Interesting opinion
  6. don't forget 2nd episode tonight (Sunday) at 8 pm
  7. Already on sky+
  8. I can't find it in the listings...
  9. Enjoyed that tonight aswell , bit of a loony me thinks !
  10. Me too, his enthusiasm is inspirational.
  11. Another splendid adventure. I thought they could have provided a better run up to the lake though, looked challenging enough just getting to the water's edge!
  12. Was good, was wondering why they chose a 4 stroke rather than a lighter 2 stroke but then the amount of times it got submerged answered my question!
  13. He certainly is likeable. Even SWMBO is enjoying the series.
  14. He is very likeable :)
    Mmmm mmmm
  15. Mucky minx
    • Like Like x 1
  16. Funny though even Guy couldn't understand them two un-understandable blokes. :eek:
  17. Shows how much water you can expose a bike to yet it still starts.
  18. Doubt your Ducati would fare so well... :biggrin:
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  19. was good. I'm surprised the powers that be allowed that, with risk of fuel and oil leakage into the lake, especially in Snowdonia
  20. It wasn't the leakage risk that amazed me more his lack of life jacket, swimming in full leathers and helmet must be a challenge.!
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