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Guy Martin in telly now

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by JimVee, Jan 19, 2014.

  1. I wish some sponsor would buy him a new pair of shorts. Those greeny efforts are truly shocking. I'd cane him remorselessly about them if i knew him.

    I like him. We bear a resemblance except my fingernails are clean. Okay cleaner.
  2. I had one of his first TT bikes, it was an absolute belter!
  3. I think he was the type to have already had a few years of merciless bullying while he was at school, which thankfully turned him in to what he is now. I don't think any amount of ribbing you could give him would make the slightest difference.

    You can't hide a personality that strong for long, and school was probably shit for him. I mean, he likes trucks and bikes, doesn't like girls and his hair is a mess.

    Kids are nasty little bastards to each other so he almost certainly had a hard time.

    Bloody good adult though, I really like him. He helped me get my missus interested in the TT by giving her someone she could easily identify!
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  4. cool, all bolts tight?
  5. Thats who he reminds me of, so enthusiastic about his passions
  6. Yeah it was a very well built bike, brilliantly balanced and the engine was a peach.
  7. i enjoyed the show....but although he was taking part, the academics were done behind the scenes. Some great problem solving.

    Some very clever ppl in blighty:upyeah:
  8. That I would argue....seen him a few times in person at the TT....whilst I would like to be wrong he's not the person you think.

    Whenever he finished a race he ignored everyone when he had got back to the pits (giving the benefit of doubt he'd just finished a TT so that may be a bit harsh)

    When he was actually back in he had his back turned to everyone and as soon as he finished talking to his team he was on his push bike and away.

    Couple of years ago when he broke down towards the end of the track he got off his bike, kept on walking til a car turned up and drove off leaving a few fans standing. I was a little way away mind you.

    Last year he was down at ramsey in his old mans van (round the corner from the petrol station) I think as soon as it got round he was there I think about 4 people got his autograph (my mate was one of them) and he was away....

    On the closer to the edge film he gives the impression that he turns up in a transit with a bike in the back is pushing it based on the fact that the team motorhome looked to be bigger than my house...

    Ive seen 2 of the speed programs which I do think are good entertainment but, I don't really like the bloke ( I did have the chance to get his autograph but really couldn't be bothered....) - not that that's going to bother him!

    Just about every other racer that I met at the TT had time for the people that were there supporting them especially John McGuiness. Really nice bloke. Had time for everyone...

    In his defence I have read that he cant really understand why everyone wants a piece of him, maybe that's why he is the way he is, as I say this is my perception of him.
  9. Well.....................
  10. A mate of mine that marshals every year at the TT told me that off camera he was/is the very end of a bell.

    Never met him myself so can't comment but I thought he behaved like a right spoilt tit when he was done for pit lane speeding in 'Closer to the Edge' And he needs a fucking good scrubbing up...
  11. The bloke's been chucked into the lime light, and being famous obviously doesn't come easy to him. When I was racing for a local dealer, the last thing I wanted to do was talk to the customers who'd come along to support us. Odd looking back on it, but I was focused on the racing, not the chit chat with people I didn't know. Yes on the Closer to the edge video he chucked his teddy out of the pram, but then I'm sure I would've as well, losing a TT podium for a 0. whatever mph infringement!
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  12. Yeah. I agree...as I said it might well be the reason why. Everyone has bad days, I just might have caught them in succession...
  13. well seen guy martin on the telly and seems to be a right hoot
    know a few people who have met him and had mixed reactions from them
    also my boss has met him when guy was a younger apparently my bosses dad worked with guys dad
    and he didnt like his dad either
    well the upshot is we dont mention guy martin at work as there is not really any nice words following from my boss
    .......all said and done would love to meet him :upyeah:
  14. Yes. It does make for good TV. And it is entertaining. One thing....it would be nice if, racers, slebs and known figures did post on forums like this. Whilst I accept that the threads might get a little busy it definitely would liven up the forums, and, other forums for that matter. It would remove a big "them and us" barrier from biking life. Look what happened when Barron Von Grumble posted. I mean, that guy just did some You Tube videos. It did spark fierce debate but look at the views and hits it got.

    Johnboy.....if you do meet him I hope its better than all the experiences that ive had. Saying that if he walked past me in the street I wouldnt give him the time of day. Not nasty or anything, just not interested. Good racer though, he needs a TT win. That'd be nice to see.
  15. I think Guy probably has the same issues as I am sure most of us would, complete strangers coming up all the time reckoning they know you. I don't think I would be very good at it either. We all know there are some reet pricks out there too.
    After hearing about casey stoner and his dislike of the whole PR thing, I thought, yeah, that would be me. There was a bike club at my local for several years, what a load of bell ends they were, I could just imagine them harassing riders at the TT.
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  16. I think he comes over as a nice bloke. Passionate about engineering and bikes. He's obviously very focussed as some of the stuff he did for the latest TV series would have been beyond most people. The training he put in for the bicycle top spped attempt, or riding a morotbike into a lake repeatedly, knowing that you are going to crash takes some balls in my book.

    I've never understood people who crave fame and celebrity. I can see a couple of pros and many cons. I wouldn't like to be put upon everywhere I went. It's a life changer and it doesn't sit easily with Guy, I think.

    I saw a recent clip of him speaking, where he said the crowds at the TT can be very rude and in your face. I don't blame the bloke one bit for keeping his head down. He could sign 100 autographs, and be in too much of a hurry to sign one. All of a sudden, he's "The end of a bell", although we have no insight on the person describing him as such. Allegedly people that used to work with him don't like him either, I wonder why they don't like this successful, talented, popular, funny, entertaining, millionaire (probably) ? Maybe the green eyed monster. Has anybody ever asked Guy what he thinks of them?
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  17. Yeah - I agree. That's the thing isn't it....you want to talk to someone like that but how can you not come off as anything but creepy - eg "Hi McG - hows the family...." - doesn't go down well does it...

    I think all the points made here are valid. Very much so. That's why as I said - it would be a refreshing change to see what they have to say. Good bad or indifferent.
  18. Cross between Steve Mcqueen and Fred Dibnah......what an absolute top bloke and all round hero.......great IDOL
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