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H982 Fkl - Top Gear Argentina Trip Ends Early!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Kirky, Oct 3, 2014.

  1. I didnt know he'd punched Morgan 3 times. He has just gone right up in my estimation. Even if does do a column in The Mail. Anyone who punches that twat is my friend.
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  2. I believe he also clouted a chav in Chipping Norton who swore at him after being upbraided for dropping litter.
    Fair play to Clarkson.
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  3. Whilst there are talent-less morons such as the slapper formerly known as Jordan making money in this world, I think Clarkson is fairly harmless...
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  4. I can put up with him being a knob every now & then as long as he keeps doing stuff like this....

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  5. All Spin for effect as his co presenters love em = are you another one that doesn't realise the humour of the show :Wideyed:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. LOL.
    You mean there is an element of humour in Top Gear? It isn't still a serious car magazine? Does that explain where William Woollard went? Please explain everything to me at once!


  7. That is indeed correct ;)
  8. Your going to tell me you realised he wasn't a hater of motorcycles now aren't you :Wideyed:
  9. Clarkson is a master of paradox, hyperbole, contrast, reversal, and a whole series of other presentational techniques. I rather enjoy watching him at work. The content of what he says is unimportant.
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  10. Actually, I was hoping you take another look at where my post appeared in the thread and then re-read it, in context. And I was hoping that you would then smile at the irony of it all.

    :) - there, that's a smile, for reference.

    Take your time, I'll be here a-while yet :)

    For the record, Clarkson could hate or love motorcycles for all I care. He is a minor source of equal measures of amusement and annoyance to me and his opinions on any subject trouble me not one bit.
  11. I have, you'd make a shit attorney :p
  12. Why thank you, Exige! You're such a bad guy yourself! :upyeah:
  13. LOL. I meant of course, you're NOT such a bad guy!

  14. I know my cheeky friend :)
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  15. Would you not have been better off stoning said individuals and chasing them from the site with El t in tow?
    Sharkey wards book on sea harriers over Falklands gives a marvellous insight to the politics of inter service rivalry and the part that the RAF played.
    I still cannot to this day understand how and why we sold our harriers to the muricans, then bought In to the inferior f35 at a cost that continues to rise with delay upon delay with an inferior day to day performance, yet the good ol us of a are using our harriers for frontline service. And all for £6 million. An utter disgrace.
  16. Let's also not forget that Argentina was a sanctuary post WW2 for many high profile members of the national socialist party of Germany incl eichmann, it was also led by a right wing junta that disappeared many of the activists of the left and immense numbers of innocent people. The war was used to deflect too much reflection upon the junta ( something our political parties use Iraq Afghanistan war on terror etc; )

  17. We didn't sell 'our' Harriers to the Americans. they have been making them for decades as the McDonald Douglas AV-8B.
    It's a far better aircraft than the original Harrier and it's development was part funded for use by the RAF as the Harrier II or GR5 as it was designated. No 'British' Harriers have flown with the RAF for a long time, only the Navy Sea Harriers were 'British'
    In US Service it is used by the Marine Corps not the Air Force or Navy.

    Harriers were put in to service by the Royal Navy because they weren't supposed to have Aircraft Carriers. Invincible Class were originaly designated as 'Through Deck Cruisers' and were supposed to deploy Anti Submarine Helicopters. Sea Harrier was developed as the 'Carriers' don't have any kind of Catapult or landing gear to deploy anything bigger or better.
    We were lucky in the Falklands inthat the Argentinians couldn't deploy any modern air superiority fighters against us. If they had the same level of gear as the RAF or US Air Force things would have ended badly. F-35 is a far better aircraft for full fleet protection, air superiority and ground attack than an adapted Harrier. They are used by the US Marines as their Assault Ships, like our 'Carriers' don't have any catapults or deck landing facilities. They deploy F18 Hornets from shore stations and US Navy Carriers. Both F18s and Harriers will be replaced with the F-35.

    It is still the height of stupidity that the Govt decided to scrap the RAF and Navy Harriers early to save a few quid leaving the RAF short of ground attack and the RN completely without it's own air cover or ability to perform strike missions.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  18. Now I may have got my figure wrong however the MOD state they were sold to the US govt. the F35 is an unproven quantity in respect of the function it will perform in comparison to the harrier.
    It is behind time and over budget performing a role that the harrier could have continued to ably do until such time it came on line. It is not a true VTOL unlike the harrier.
    I am aware that the yanks use the AV8 and have done primarily with the USMC for a number if years when we sold manufacturing rights to Mcdonnel Douglas , so impressed were they with its performance.
    Yes had the Argentinians had a better AC although the super etendard, mirage III and daggers can hardly be described as sub capable in comparison the situation may have changed.
    If my aunt had a pair of bollocks she would etc etc etc
    Whatever Happened to Those Harriers - Think Defence
  19. Now, children - play nicely !
    I understand that there area a few Harriers in private ownership in the USA. Some people do like expensive toys !
    #100 JR45, Oct 9, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2014
    • Funny Funny x 1
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